Since 2001... Your BEST source for Amiga information... Again
(Note: Current results from the old database. Until I can finish adding all the NEW links in to the database, I HIGHLY recommend opening all the previous years (2024 and back) and using CRTL-F to search each page too. Sorry...
14-16 Feb 25: MountainBytes 2025, Lorzensaal, Cham, CH
15-16 Feb 25: Vintage Computer Festival SoCal, Orange, CA, US
12 Apr 25: LA Maker Faire + City of STEM Festival - Classic Los Angeles Computers! (CLAC!), Los Angeles, CA, US
18-21 Apr 25: Revision, Saarbrücken, DE
Late Summer 25: Amiga 40th, The Heart of Silicon Valley, CA, US
11-14 Sep 25: Classic Computing 2025, Kulmbacher, DE
18-19 Oct 25: Amiga 40, Mönchengladbach, DE
Big Shops and Vendors
(caveat emptor)
Repair & Recap
(caveat emptor)
Looking for some Amiga technichal info? If so you may find it here!
Note: The current results are from the OLD database. Nothing new has been added yet.
Lots of Amiga Hardware hints, tips and links! |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
***WOW Incredible source for of Amiga information *** General Information: Rom Kernal Reference Manuals, Native Developer Kit, Other AmigaOS dokumentation, Amiga Assemblers, Amiga C Compilers, Other Amiga Compilers, Amiga Development Tools. Sources and tutorials: Amiga Assembler, Programming page, Amiga C programming page, Amiga links. Schematics and diagrams: A4000 Schematics. |
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Scanned schematics and manuals for the A1000, A2060, A2065, A2232, A3000, A500, A501, A600, A1084, A1701, A1902, A2002 and the CD32. |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
Purpose of this page. This page is intended as an collection of useful information for all who want to implement USB to the Amiga hardware. It will focus primarily on hardware issues. If you know other sources of information on USB on the Amiga, please feel free to contact me. If you are interested in the hardware part, if you want to develop drivers for USB devices, please feel free to contact me. If you know other people working on USB hardware projects, please feel free to contact me. |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
This article is not to promote the Amiga in anyway, nor do I work for Amiga Inc. It is also not meant to be a comparison with other systems, although a few comparisons may be used to make a point. I am simply a more-than-happy user who wants to share my experiences with using the Amiga in a home automation (HA) environment. |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
The AmigaOne news/links and info page is an attempt to gather all information regarding the AmigaOne in one place, including hardware specifications, hardware support, Linux and OS 4 installation and any other relevant tidbits. News which affect the AmigaOne are also posted there, and registered users can discuss them by leaving comments. |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
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The apollo accelerator cards for the Amiga A1200 are very good cards but on certain revisions of motherboards will refuse to work. The main problem boards are the Rev 1 D.4 and Rev 2B. To make these accelerators work a small modification needs doing to the motherboard. Exactly how involved this will be really depends on your motherboard and the revision of Budgie installed on your motherboard. |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
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Do you have an Apollo 4040/4060 or a 3040/4060 and having trouble with it ? I had, and found virtually NO help on the net, and only ONE page actually containing anything useable at all, please visit it for more info, you find it here |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
One of the BEST places on the web to fing information on just about EVERY AMIGA and device pertaining to it!! GREAT!!!!! |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
GREAT site to find articles, beachmarks and information about overclocking your PPC. |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
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I have here described as exactly as I am able to how I did when I built my Amiga 3000 into a standard atx tower case. I leave no quarantees whatsoever that the same project will be a success for anybody else and I take no responsibility for damages on any equipment for anyone that tries to follow my example. |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
This driver accesses the SID and joystick features of the CatWeasel MK3 PCI by Individual Computers. If you want to use the floppy features please use Michael Krauses Floppy CatWeasel Driver. If you are an SID expert and can help in improving our SID player or if you are an expert in patching software like sidplay, sidplay2, resid, vice, ec64, Frodo etc. and you want to add support for the CatWeasel SID driver into this software please contact me and let me know. |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
This site contains: Numerically and functionally ordered chip lists, chip pinouts and lists of chip manufacturers, manufacturers of controller embedding tools, electronics books, CDROM's, magazines, WWW sites and much more. |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
Contains Schematics and scanned manuals for the A590, A1060, A500, A2000, A1200, A4000 and info on the DKB MegaChip 2000/500. Plus A1000 hacks. |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
What you have here is the first set of documents from old Commodore that I managed to assemble. This is definitely a work in progress, and it doesn't progress fast. Much of the Amiga stuff was done on Amigas, but unfortunately at different times. So I didn't necessarily still have the programs necessary to read and convert some of this documentation to ASCII and/or the portable document format (PDF, Adobe's Acrobat format, as close as you're likely to get to a universal format). |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
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Aminet's Selfmade hardware directory listing! Need I say more? |
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NOTE ** archived copy from www.archive.org *** This page exists because of the problems I came up against when trying to upgrade my Amiga A4000T from a 68040/40MHz Cyberstorm MKII from Phase 5 to a 68060. I emailed Software Hut where I ordered my 4000T/CSMK2 almost 2 years ago, but all they wanted to do to help me was to sell me a MK3 board. As a college student, I don't have that kind of money, and I thought it a silly solution since MK2 boards were also sold with 060s on them. So I emailed Phase 5's support email address, as found on their web site, as the MKII owner's manual says "In case of an upgrade of your MK II 040/40ERC ERC [why the double ERC I don't know] to a 68060 processor, which we are quite prepared to do for you..." on an insert for the 040 version of the board. |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
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Welcome to the Amiga Hardware Resource and Overclocking page. This site is constantly updated. Visit regularly for the latest Amiga hardware and overclocking ideas and experiences. This site is optimised for Amigas using Ibrowse or Aweb at 1024x768 resolution. Pages on this site may look untidy at lower resolutions. This website is proudly compiled using the KISS principle! GREAT SITE!!!! Lots of links!!! |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
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On my homepage I am offering my software and hardware projects for the Amiga computer system. You are able to download the software and the construction manual of my hardware at no cost. If you own an Amiga you are damn right on my homepage. Maybe you'll find some things of interest. MAS-Player - Hardware-based MP3-Player, Bibelforscher - A program to research the bible, ZeroIQ Demo - These are some short music videos for simple minds,
Amigo Computer - A little manual on how to build your own self-made computer, Games - Some games called: "Flying Eagles", "Four in a row" and "Calculate".
Commodore C64 - To getting your Amiga's C64 emulator busy you will find my favorite games which I programmed for the Commodore C64. |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
Why build an A1200 Tower? I built my A1200 tower because I needed more room, the standard A1200 case was so filled with stuff that it got overheated all the time. Well today I haven't got that problem anymore. As almost every A1200 owner I want to use several harddrives and a CD-ROM drive to, but there isn't enough room in the standard case. And with more than one harddrive and turboboard you need a more powerful PSU than the standard one. |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
This site tells the story of me and a friend of mine trying to upgrade an Amiga 600 to the max. Why would you want to do so? Well, hard to explain. It's a freak thing. So if you don't like the Amiga or even don't know what it is, if you've never experienced the wish to do something crazy, well then you better stop reading now. This project was completely irrational -- and therefore one hell lot of fun! |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
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Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
The floppy disk drive in older amigas are starting to wear out.Those which do not, or at once stage, did not have a hard drive, are particularly effected. The amiga floppy drive is fairly rare and expensive, although, Graham Chui at Comp Karori still has stock as I write this (6/3/01). For those that can't get a real amiga floppy, you can use a PC floppy drive. Now before you get excited, you can use a High Density drive, you won't be able to read or write High Density disks with it. Anthony Hoffman has done the conversion and has the following to say: |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
Welcome to the Hardware Book. Internet's largest free collection of connector pinouts and cable descriptions. GREAT!!!! |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
Completed projects/products: KeyC1200 PC-keyboard-adapter for the A1200. KeyC3000 PC-keyboard-adapter for A2000/A3000. BananANI CallerID for sweden (in swedish). BananaPlay Old but quite good modplayer. pcmser.device PCMCIA-modem driver for the A1200. truesound.device Driver for the mp3-decodercard "Truesound" card from NSM. |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
Phase 5 (German manufacturer of superior quality Amiga hardware extensions) was making, a few years ago, a graphics board called the CyberVision 64/3D (based on the S3/Virge chipset). This board came without a scandoubler (a system which would enable viewing 15 KHz original screenmodes on the >31 KHz monitor connected to the CV64/3D). Such a system was proposed as an option : the CV64/3D Scandoubler. Here it is, sitting in the A2000 video slot : The board was able to run in Zorro II (Amiga 2000, 3000, 3000T bus technology) and Zorro III (Amiga 4000, 4000T). But the scandoubler module was only made to fit the specifically enhanced video slot of the A4000/4000T, and would not even mechanically fit in the A2000/3000 video slot. |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
Welcome ! Let the links below guide you from desktop to Tower ! |
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A short 'how to' on fixing the PCMCIA reset problem with the Gayle chip in the A1200 |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
This FAQ is meant to provide answers to frequent questions regarding OS 3.9 and it's usage. I welcome all suggestions/feedback to this site. Constructive criticism is also accepted. Please note, however, that due to the large amount of e-mail I receive daily from the OS 3.5 & 3.9 mailing lists, as well as e-mail to me directly, I may not always be able to add as many entries as some would like. These pages are intended as a means of answering the most common questions or those pertinent to most OS 3.9 users |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
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Personal Homepage. Info on upgrading the A1200 PSU. As we all know, the power supply that is given with the A1200 is, well, underpowered (to say the least). Here is a project that converts a standard AT PSU into on that an A1200 can use. |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
Over the years I have gathered quite a bit of hardware. Maybe I'll add a detailed list later, but right now I'll focus on what currently is the heart of my A4000T: A brand new CyberStormPPC with 233MHz PowerPC 604e and 50MHz 68060, produced by DCE, the company that took over the production of these and other cards from Phase5. |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
The Cyberstorm PPC is a dual processor PPC604e / 68060 card clocked at 200 MHz and 50 MHz respectively, although there are other variants using different speeds. The Cyberstorm MKIII is identical, though without the PPC chip and associated circuitry. MKIII users can therefore, ignore any references to the PPC in this discussion. |
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This project want's to create an enhaced Amiga 500 clone computer, first using the original custom chips from an original one, and in the future, from VHDL cores. The project starts from the electrical design, and ends on the PCB desing. |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
a pictural on rebuilding a Amiga 1200 |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
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Information on Amiga file transfers - floppy, cable, ethernet and robsoft. |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
Who Are We? The SCSI Trade Association (STA) mission is to help educate OEM's, resellers and information technology professionals about SCSI, one of the industry's most widely adopted I/O interfaces. The STA also helps shape the future of SCSI to ensure performance and compatibility. |
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Way back in 1989, when I worked for one of the many CBM divisions, I kept a paper that had a list of custom chips that I ran across in my work. The list got a lot of requests and kept growing. When CBM went under I moved the list over to AmigaGuide. It is a simple idea. It is a AmigaGuide sorted by the chip name and its function. Within that there is information on the full chip name, CBM Part Number and Machines used in. The guide covers machines from A500 to A4000T (and AA3000/A3000+) and CDTV(II) to CD32. OCS to AAA chipsets. Cards such as Gemini & A2631. |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
the site I always wanted to have |
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Tips & tricks for the GVP-m G-Force 2040/2060 accelerator board (also known as TekMagic 2060/060) - |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
If you are a red boxxing, pHrAcK wanna-B, this is NOT the place for you... This area is dedicated to AMIGA hardware hacks that appreciate the finer points of creating/modifying hardware systems; for people who KNOW and wish to learn... not for war dial'n, cell phone hack'n kids! >8v/ MANY, MANY hardware hack resources. LOTS of REPAIR/TECH TIPS!!!! |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
The A3640 is Commodore's 25 MHz 68040 board used in the A3000T-040, A4000/040 and A4000T. Originally it was designed to fit in the desktop A3000, too (hence the name). Unfortunately, this did not work as good as expected. Several problems were found, so Commodore never recommended the A3000 installation of the A3640 officially. |
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For quite some time now, PC overclockers have been exploring new techniques in cooling their hardware. One popular technique is watercooling, in which the traditional heatsink and fan is replaced by a watercooling "block". This block is attached to the chip being cooled in a similar manner to the usual heatsink and contains ducts in which the cooling fluid passes through. An inlet and outlet tube is attached to the block. These tubes run via a pump to a radiator outside the computer's case. The idea is that the fluid passes through the block, cooling the chip and is then passed through the radiator, which cools the fluid in an endless cycle. |
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I am an Amiga aficionado and love my A4000D (Desktop) computer. After getting requests on various projects that I and my nephew have done (especially overclocking) on our mostly similar Amigas, I decided to put up these pages to answer most of the questions (and also so I won't have to keep emailing and posting over and over again to various newsgroups, especially comp.sys.amiga.hardware ;-) But mostly I have also created these web pages dedicated (by many requests) to what seems to interest Amiga owners the most with their systems, OVERCLOCKING. In this day, upgrading is imperative, especially the NEED for SPEEED. |
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Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
Disk2FDI is a utility running under DOS to create Formatted Disk Image (FDI) files from actual floppy disks. Please note that it will NOT work under Windows NT, 2000, and XP. It is the first program to allow Amiga-formatted disks reading on a standard PC, although it requires 2 disk drives to work. This was previously thought to be impossible. Disk2FDI is also able to create standard ADF files that can be directly used with Amiga emulators, ST files that can be directly used with Atari ST emulators, and IMG files from PC disks. |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
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GREAT PAGE for A3000/T tech. information. How to install the missing _int2 & _int6 line. Pictures and more!! |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
Number of web sites found: 
About This is from 7 Jan 2002. Not much has changed since then...
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