Companies or individuals who provide a specific service.
Note: The current results are from the OLD database. Nothing new has been added yet.
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Amiga Translators' Organization was created because for a long time, programmers who wanted translations for their programs would either have to post "Translators wanted"-mails onto newgroups and mailing lists, or they must use translators they knew. This was of course annoying to some users of the mailing lists and newsgroups, it would not give the programmer as many translators as possible, and last, but not least, the programmer didn't have any quality assurance of the translations done by his translators. ATO was then built as being an organized pool of translators. We want to make programmers' lives as easy as possible by offering many translators for a wide range of languages, and still offer the quality assurance. This quality assurance is done through the proofreading concept which you can see here. |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
Welcome to Jentronics. Custom programming for Image FX, Web design/Network Administration, Custom Artwork |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
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2015-02-01 |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
Technomages is a leading edge web design and software development company based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. We provide a wide range of exceptional Internet services at affordable prices. Technomages is proud to annouce our new Amiga Anywhere web site where you can purchase our fun and exciting software titles! |
Admin: Edit Cat, Dead Link {coming}
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