Since 2001... Your BEST source for Amiga information... Again
(Note: Current results from the old database. Until I can finish adding all the NEW links in to the database, I HIGHLY recommend opening all the previous years (2024 and back) and using CRTL-F to search each page too. Sorry...
22 Feb 25: Boozedrome - Winter Edition 2025, YouTube, Earth
12 Apr 25: LA Maker Faire + City of STEM Festival - Classic Los Angeles Computers! (CLAC!), Los Angeles, CA, US
18-21 Apr 25: Revision, Saarbrücken, DE
26-27 Apr 25: The Commodore Los Angeles Super Show, Burbank, CA, USA
Late Summer 25: Amiga 40th, The Heart of Silicon Valley, CA, US
11-14 Sep 25: Classic Computing 2025, Kulmbacher, DE
18-19 Oct 25: Amiga 40, Mönchengladbach, DE
Big Shops and Vendors
(caveat emptor)
Repair & Recap
(caveat emptor)
Today's Highlights
- Hello fellow Amiga lovers! My partner is making steady progress on the new site. While it's still not ready for 'beta' testing, I'm happy to report that everything displayed is now fully dynamically generated. No more hard coding the .html files for us! Very nice ;-) The next step is finishing the Admin portal so we can EASILY edit the database instead of using PHPAdmin. I, on the other hand, am still using PHPAdmin to add & verify links to the database. Not fun but it works. I can't wait till my ADMIN LINKS editor is finished!!
- Since the last time here are a few links & news stories that have caught my eye. The guys over at Apollo are now taking preorders for the Apollo Kraken V4 for the A3000 & 4000! 68080, 512MB, SuperAGA, Audio, 100Mb Ethernet, (2) USB ports, fast IDE (~20MB/sec), Micro SD and few more things. It's a V4 with some added features. Color me excited. My A4000 is currently out of the country being repaired. If it ever gets repaired I look forward to buying one of these for it!
Amiga Legal News Update
- Maybe this year Santa will bring us some good news under the Christmas Tree...
New Links (3) YTD (416)
- Amiga-VideoSlot-RGBtoHDMI: Add pixel-perfect HDMI output to big box Amiga machines with video slots. This project builds on c0pperdragon's Amiga-Digital-Video project, adapted for use in big box Amiga video slots.
- Forums for MNT: The community forum page for MNT. Makers of the ZZ9900 Video card, ZZ99000CX Denise adapter & ZZ9000AX Audio expansion.
- close-and-run-amiga68k: Tools for maximizing chip ram when loading Amiga games or applications from floppy on Kickstart 1.3
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Today's Highlights
 UNCW December 2021 Commencement You did it Babe! Masters in Teaching! A++
We are all VERY PROUD of you!! You will make a GREAT teacher!
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Today's Highlights
- Greetings and salutations everyone! Just another quick update. As more of the code on the new site is being written the less updates there will be on this site. Above you may have noticed I have added a crude status report for the new site. I don't know if is even worth it but at least for me it will show progress we are making.
For the immediate future my primary job will be to begin adding links to the database while my partner will be focusing on the Admin portal. I will start with the links found on the 2017-21 news pages so they will now be found under their respective categories and when using the search function. My secondary job will be to start adding the remaining 4000+ links I have been sitting on for the past 20 years or so. And to speed up the launch of the new site we are going to allow you, the community, to help us re-validate the 1483 links in the current database. Don't worry we will make it easy for you!
Well that's it for now. And as always... THANK YOU for stopping by!
Website Progress: Rewrote - Events Calendar. Now Fully Dynamic Code - Top 10+8, Big Shops and Vendors, Service and Repair and Print & Online Magazines.
Amiga Legal News Update
- Wind blowing through the leaves...
New Links (8) YTD (412)
- vasm: vasm is a portable and retargetable assembler to create linkable objects in various formats or absolute code. Multiple CPU-, syntax and output-modules can be selected. Many common directives/pseudo-opcodes are supported (depending on the syntax module) as well as CPU-specific extensions. The assembler supports optimizations (e.g. choosing the shortest possible branch instruction or addressing mode) and relaxations (e.g. converting a branch to an absolute jump when necessary). Most syntax modules support macros, include directives, repetitions, conditional assembly and local symbols.
- NASA Technical Reports Server - Keyword *AMIGA*: {Did you every wonder if the Amiga was even mentioned in any NASA Technical Service Reports? Well wonder no more!}
- {Archived} Kipper2k Items for sale: {Kipper2k make quite a few hardware add ons: A500 (1000, 2000) 4MB / 8MB Fast Ram Memory Expansion board With CF Card IDE support, A600 4MB Fastmem board, A600 Vampire 64MB 68020 Accelerator, A600 8MB Fast Ram Memory Expansion board (configurable), A500 CPU Adapter, A1000 CPU Adapter, CF Adapter, Internal, CF Adapter - External, Modded HDMI cable (3feet), HDMI Adapter, ECS Indivision I VGA adapter for the Amiga 600, Custom Length ribbon cable for Indivision I VGA header, Amiga/Atari PSX controller adapter, MKII Indivision custom length cable, A600 Mouse/Joystick Extender & Svideo/Composite Video Adapter. Good historical info}
- Amiga Reproduction Box Brand New: Amiga reproduction box, these are brand new and designed to be used as box art or to house your Amiga. These are true reproductions of the original boxes created by plakativ-druck.ch used when the Amiga was shipped. {Note: This link is for the A1200. The also sell the boxes for the A500, A500+, A600 & CD32}
- Amiga News Network {ARCHIVED MIRROR}: {This is the link to the archived mirror of one of the GREATEST Amiga news sites ANN.LU (Amiga News Network) It was run by Christian Kemp, who I had the pleasure to meet in the mid 90's when he visited sunny southern California. What a GREAT person! From 31 Jan 2000 to 28 Dec 2006 if something happened in the Amiga community you could find it here. This official archive, hosted on covers the dates form 31 Jan 2000 to 22 Oct 2004.}
- Amiga News Network {Archive.org}: {One of the GREATEST Amiga news sites ANN.LU (Amiga News Network) It was run by Christian Kemp, who I had the pleasure to meet in the mid 90's when he visited sunny southern California. What a GREAT person! From 31 Jan 2000 to 28 Dec 2006 if something happened in the Amiga community you could find it here. This archive covers the full date range. 5754 entries.}
- Amiga Information Center {Russian}: {Daily Amiga news and other links in Russian}
- HyperCacheAmiga: Source code to the 1980s Amiga product, version dated 1992. A fellow named Matthew Kott reached out and asked me to release the source code to HyperCache if I still had it, so I dug around, and sure enough I did, so I opted to post it here on Github. For various legal and liability reasons, I cannot open-source it at this time, but it's yours to explore and tinker with for nostalgia. If anyone still has Lattice C out there, I'd love to hear if it can still be compiled! If there's sufficient interest, I'll look into the logistics of open-sourcing it. For now, though, it remains (c) 1992 Silicon Prairie Software. Authorship: Primarily Dave Plummer, though it was initially kindled by a sample that I found which showed how to hook the disk driver, and that code likely remains. Also, I ultimately hired someone to work on V2.0 once I got to Microsoft, as I was pretty busy, but now I don't have a name! So some of the code was written by someone else on contract, but I'm still trying to figure out who! Thanks to Matthew for thinking to ask! Dave
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Today's Highlights
From everyone here at AmigaSource, we wish you and your loved ones all the best for a safe and healthy Holiday Season!
 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
- Greetings and salutations everyone! We finally made it to December. 11 down 1 to go. No need to point out that this has been a very tough year for everyone. We at AmigaSource want to wish you, your family and friends good health, prosperity and travels in the comping year. It would be nice if the Amiga's fortunes happen to change for the better too, but I'm not going to take that bet.
Website Progress: I'm happy to report the test site is now fully functional using the NEW DATABASE and my fellow co-programmer has started coding the new ADMIN CENTER! At this point I just want a basic fully functional site before FEATURE CREEP finds me and decides otherwise.
In keeping with the holiday spirit I have just site to share. Thanks Cammy! Enjoy!!
Amiga Legal News Update
- Crickets -- Crickets
New Links (1) YTD (404)
- Amiga Christmas Tree: {Cammy} Hi everyone! I would like to announce that I've finished making the Amiga Christmas Tree website for 2021! It's a page where all the Christmas related Amiga games are listed for you to enjoy. I've kept the page simple so it's viewable in IBrowse and AWeb on your Amiga too! :) I will continue to update the website before Christmas Day so if you have any games to add, please contact me either through Facebook or at my e-mail arcadecammy @ gmail.com! Happy Festive Season!
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Today's Highlights
- Happy Holidays!! Another quick update. Just like the 'Boy who cried Wolf' I don't expect anyone to believe me when I say... ***I FINALLY FOUND SOMEONE TO HELP ME FINISH THE SITE***
I know I can't believe it either. So with that said soon I will post some kind of 'status chart' to show how things are progressing. Upon completion the site will look 'almost' the same but behind the scenes I will have a fully functioning Admin Portal and more streamlined code to work with. For you, the user, you will have the ability to add new links and even rate them, add news and calendar events and a few more surprises too.
For the past 20 years this site has been a labor of love and I promise... It's only going to get better from here! Now if the same could only be said about the Amiga herself....
Amiga Legal News Update
- Chirp -- Chirp
New Links (2) YTD (403)
- Classic AmigaOS Programming : An introduction: This book provides an introduction into the programming of the classic AmigaOS using C as well as assembly language. It is aimed at programmers who have not programmed for the Amiga before as well as programmers who did this years ago and would like a refresher before diving back in. A general knowledge of computer programming is therefore assumed.
- AROS (Github): Main AROS repository for active development. Contains the main Operating System components and Build System.
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Today's Highlights
- Greetings and Salutations everyone! Quick update today. I'm happy to report that my request for assistance has not gone unanswered. One brave and friendly fellow Amiga user has graciously reached out and offered to help me update the site. There will be more to follow in the coming weeks but for the first time in a very long time I feel I can safely say with confidence I think I can start to see the light at the end of the AmigaSource tunnel.
AmigaSource.com will soon be a real 'one stop source' for all level of Amiga lovers to use, enjoy and to help grow. Keep hitting your F5 key!
- Total number of links added 2021: 401
Amiga Legal News Update
- All is quiet on the western front.
New Links (1)
- A2088 XT Bridge Board A2088 Upgrades and modifications: {A nice and useful page about the board, various upgrades and modifications.
- Enable FloppyDriveBridge support (Optional): Amiberry supports Robert Smith's FloppyDriveBridge controller, which allows you to read/write Amiga floppies using supported USB floppy drives. To enable this functionality, besides the actual hardware (supported floppy drive, floppies) Amiberry also needs an external library that includes all the custom logic for operating these drives.
- A-EON AMIGAONE X5000 Technical Reference Manual: {A-EON AMIGAONE X5000 Technical Reference Manual. Also as a PDF download}.
- Arduino Amiga Floppy Disk Reader: This project uses an Arduino to interface with a floppy disk drive and communicate with a PC in order to recover the data from any formatted disks. This includes Windows software to copy from and to ADF files. This project is what is behind getting real floppy disks loading in real time into emulators like WinUAE and Amiberry.
- Commodore Amiga 2000 Teardown: {Tear down of the A2000 with dozens and dozens of pictures!} Updated 1/8/2011: Dave Haynie, lead engineer for the Amiga 2000 (B2000-CR), has posted several comments about the Amiga 2000 and his worked on the project in this gallery's discussion forum. I encourage everyone to read his posts. And, I would like to thank Mr. Haynie for taking the time to share his experiences.
- Amiga 4000 Daughter Board recreated: This is a recreation of the Amiga 4000 DaughterBoard. I have made it from ground using the A4000 original schematics. It includes all the Zorro slots and also include a VGA 15khz output connector to use with a VGA metal bracket. The ISA ports has been removed from the design. Some new options has beed added on the new version 1.2. This work great on all the Amiga 4000 revisions, except of course the A4000T. If you like the project or want to support it, you can buy me a beer or a KO-FI :)
- ReAgnus: A drop-in replacement PCB for the Amiga Agnus chip. This is WORK IN PROGRESS and not tested yet. If you generate gerbers and order PCBs from this source you are doing so completely at your own risk!. It is a prototype, treat it as such. Current design is a four layer board designed for soldering Pin headers 1.27 mm pitch 4 x 21 single row right angle, 0.4 mm square pins.
- Arduino Amiga Floppy Disk Reader/Writer aka DrawBridge: My Aim: In 2017, Create a simple, cheap and open source way to recover and rewrite data from and to an Amiga DD floppy disk from within Windows 10. My Solution: An Arduino sketch + a Windows application that actually works! Why: To preserve data from these disks for the future. Also, a normal PC can't read/write Amiga disks due to the way they are written.
- The A-EON Amiga X5000: An alternate universe where the Amiga platform never died: The Amiga computer was a legend in its time. Back when the Macintosh had only a monochrome 9-inch screen, and the PC managed just four colors and monotone beeps, the Amiga boasted a 32-bit graphical operating system in full color with stereo-sampled sound and preemptive multitasking. It was like a machine from the future. But the Amiga’s parent company, Commodore, suffered from terminal mismanagement and folded in 1994, just as PCs and Macintoshes were catching up technologically. The platform, like many others before it, seemed to be at an end. So when a brand new Amiga computer arrived at my doorstep in 2017, you can imagine it was quite a surprise. Accordingly, the Amiga X5000 is a curious beast. In some respects, it's more closely related to its predecessors than either modern PCs or Macintoshes. Yet this is a fully current machine capable of taking on modern workloads. How such a device came to be is a fascinating story, but that's not our goal today—let’s dive into what the experience of using the X5000 is like.
- Amiga Inc. anounnces the AmigaOne (Archive.org): October 21, 2000, Melbourne, Australia - It is with great pleasure that we are able to announce the first new Amiga hardware in over 6 years. The AmigaOne, our first consumer product, will be targeted at the desktop and workstation market. Further products to follow will cover the markets from Personal Digital Assistants and upwards. All these products will run a single piece of software, the revolutionary Amiga Digital Environment (DE). We completed the AmigaOne specification three months ago, and dubbed it the "Zico". It is a specification and not a product because Amiga is a software company, not a hardware manufacturer. The ability of the Amiga DE to host itself on multiple hardware and operating system platforms frees us from hardware dependency and gives our partners and our customers the freedom to chose the hardware that best suits their needs and tastes.
- Amiga Hardware Reference Manual: The Amiga Technical Reference Series is the official guide to programming Amiga computers. This revised edition of the Amiga Hardware Reference Manual provides detailed information about the Amiga's graphics and audio hardware, and how the Amiga talks to the outside world through peripheral devices. This edition has been updated for version 2.0 of the Amiga operating system and covers the newest Amiga computer systems including the A3000. This book is intended for the following audiences: * Assembly language programmers who need a more direct way of interacting with the Amiga than the routines provided in the system software. * Designers who want to interface new peripherals to the Amiga. * Anyone who wants to know how the Amiga hardware works.
- Amiga Video to Pi HDMI: The Amiga Video to Pi HDMI is a card designed for the "big box" Amiga video slot. Using a Raspberry Pi Zero, it can convert and output HDMI video from the Amiga native video formats (only OCS modes are supported). Background: Inspiration for this project began when I saw online the open source Amiga-Digital-Video project by c0pperdragon. It would be more convenient to not have to remove the Denise and run a cable to the rear of the chassis when the Amiga 2000, 3000, and 4000 already have a video slot which can be used for this purpose. Intended use: With the Amiga Video to Pi HDMI in your Amiga 2000/3000/4000 video slot, you get a HDMI video port exposed from the rear of the chassis. This video port provides the Amiga's native video in a format that modern monitors and televisions readily support.
- amiga-pi-to-hdmi: This project implements a board which plugs into a big-box Amiga Video Slot (A2000 or A3000) and uses a Raspberry Pi Zero to process the Amiga video output in realtime to provide HDMI video output for the computer. It also partially works with the A4000, but is limited to 12-bit video (the A4000 chipset supports 24-bit) and only OCS resolution screen modes.
- AmigaRGBtoHDMI: LinuxJedi's designs for Amiga RGBtoHDMI boards.
- Amiga Video to Pi HDMI: This project implements a board which plugs into a big-box Amiga Video Slot (A2000, A3000, A4000) and uses a Raspberry Pi Zero to process the Amiga display video in realtime to provide HDMI video output for the computer. The Amiga Video to Pi HDMI is a card designed for the "big box" Amiga video slot. Using a Raspberry Pi Zero, it can convert and output HDMI video from the Amiga native video formats (only OCS modes are supported). The schematic design is based loosely on LinuxJedi's CPLD version of the Denise socket Amiga-Digital-Video module for OCS and ECS Amigas with a 48-pin DIP Denise. It uses software for the Raspberry Pi Zero that is developed by hoglet67's multi-platform vintage hardware RGBtoHDMI project.
- ARIX: ARIX is a set of libraries inspired by the AmigaOS application interface, placed on top of a linux kernel. The libraries provide basic memory management (allocation, reallocation, filling memory etc), thread and process creation, inter process communication and many more. The ARIX libraries themselves does not depend on any other high-level linux libraries apart from some very low level things, such as /lib/ld-linux.so or the dynamic/static library dependencies introduced by the gcc.
- Remembering Kiki Stockhammer: Kiki Stockhammer was once one of the most visible people on the internet, and in the video graphics industry. In the early 90's, she worked for a company called NewTek that made in innovative new product called Video Toaster. At the time, this product was designed for use on the Amiga computer, which had better graphics than any other. Video Toaster started the desktop computer video graphics revolution and won an Emmy. In 1994, Kiki and a number of other NewTek employees left and started a new company, Play Incorporated. This company also produced innovative video graphics products (it's technology is used in the new "Star Wars" movies). Kiki Stockhammer was the "face" of Play, Inc., appearing in their ads, and representing them at just about every computer convention and trade show there was. One of the company's products, GlobeCaster, was the worlds first internet TV station-in-a-box, so Kiki began appearing on an internet TV broadcast called "Kiki at Midnight". In 2000, Play Incorporated was bought out, and Kiki disappeared from the Internet and trade show scene, never to be seen again. I have no idea what happened to her, so I set up this page to remember her in pictures.
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Today's Highlights
- Greetings and Salutations everyone! WOW **A LOT** to cover and not **A LOT** of time to do it so lets get to it!
- HOLY CRAP... 19 Oct was the sites 20 year anniversary and I have been **SO** busy I totally missed it!
Happy Belated 20th Birthday AmigaSource!
(Side note... If there are any web programmers who would like to make a little side cash and help me add a few features to the site PLEASE contact me and I PROMISE to make it worth your while!)
- Happy 246th USMC. Semper Fi!
- Two more Amiga events happened: Amiwest 2021 and The Commodore Los Angeles Super Show (CLASS).
- Total number of links added 2021: 384
Amiga Legal News Update
- Over a month has passed and only two things to report. In an interesting turn of events Colanto has withdrawn their opposition against Intellivision's Amico and Ben Hermans is once again the director of Hyperion. I'll leave it to the masses to debate whether this news is good or bad but at least something happened!
New Links (61)
- Amazingly, New Commercial Amiga Games are Under Development: Mike Bouma (Slashdot reader #85,252) writes: Pixelglass Games and BitBeamCannon are working on new commercial Amiga games. Metro Siege is a 2-player beat 'em up for the Amiga 500 with 1 MB of Ram. You can watch a teaser trailer here. Alarcity is a shoot 'em up for the Amiga 1200 and Amiga CD32. You can watch an earlier campaign trailer here.
- Pixelglass: Game developers of Worthy, Metro Siege, Alar City, Roar Avenger, Time Gail, Giana Sisters S.E. and Raid over Moscow.
- BitBeam Cannon: Game developers of Metro Siege, Daemin Claw Origins of Nnar and Cyberjack.
- AmigaOS Is Still Getting Updates and Upgrades: Mike Bouma (Slashdot reader #85,252) writes: A-EON Technology Ltd has released Enhancer Software Release 2.1 for AmigaOS4.1 FE update 2, which itself was released on 23 December 2020. It's an OS enhancement package with large amounts of updated and upgraded OS components.
: We where 5 guys, who earlier worked for Safe Hex International to prevent the spreading of virus on Amiga. But as our policy concerning Amiga antivirus couldn't fit Safe Hex International's policy, we decided to leave and start on a fresh, with our own Virus Help Team, which started on 1 january 1995, and this means that Virus Help Team in Denmark celebrated 25'th anniversary in 2020, so we are here if you have any virus problems.
- The story of the Commodore Amiga in Pixels: Free PDF download from Retro Fusion Books.
- A3640 CPU Board 68040: {Some pics and info}.
- Troika {Archive.org}: Makers of the Amy 05. A Flex atx form-factor, PowerPC computer system.
- Troika NG Progress Report: {A good historical thread over at Amigaworld about Troika NG and their Amy 05 motherboard}.
- Troika Releases Details on New AmigaOS4 Board: A lot of hardware-related news today, but this one will probably mean the most to us alternative OS fans: it seems AmigaOS 4 has found hardware to actually run on. The board will have an IBM 750GL at 800 MHz with 1MB of L2 cache, and will support processors up to 1Ghz. Also: “One of the biggest changes to the Amy05 design from our first released specification is the addition of the AMD Geode CS5536 companion device. For Project Prometheus/Amy’05 this becomes Amy’s Southbridge.” The current board is is a development board, and will be made available in a limited quantity for hardware testing/OS4 development.
- Welcome to the official website of the UltimatePPC! {Archive.org}: The UltimatePPC is a multi-function CPU card for the Commodore Amiga 3000 and 4000 series computers and plugs into the CPU slot.
- UltimatePPC Accelerator for Amiga 3000/4000: It’s not often you hear about new PPC-based accelerators for the Amiga, but today I received an e-mail from an Amiga user in Norway (Mads). He wrote me some words concerning an upcoming PPC-accelerator for the Amiga 3000 and Amiga 4000. Thanks a lot for the information mate. The board is called UltimatePPC and it is a multi-function CPU-card for the Amiga computers mentioned above. It plugs into the CPU slot of the machines. The specifications are very interesting.
- Z3660: Amiga 4000 CPU accelerator board based on A3660 and Z-turn FPGA board.
- AmiKut XE for the Raspberry Pi: A modern retro desktop Amiga pre-designed with 400+ AmigaOS3.x apps & games on a bootable all-in-one image to go straight to your own 16GB+ microSD card, USB3 Flash Stick or SSD.
- Amiga.gr: {A Greek site for up-to-date Amiga news!}.
- MintPPC available for AmigaOne X5000: It was just reported that MintPPC is available for Amigaone X5000 users. Have a look here.
- Hyperion Message Board - MintPPC for the X5000: {A good thread over at the Hyperion Entertainment Message Boards about the MintPPC OS for the X5000
- Books You Should Read: Bil Herd’s Back Into The Storm: This is the premise behind our Hackaday colleague Bil Herd’s autobiographical chronicle of time in the mid 1980s during which he worked at Commodore, maker of some of the most iconic home computers of the day. We follow him through the three years from 1983 to 1986 as hardware lead on the “TED” series of computers including the Commodore 16 and Plus/4, and then the Commodore 128, a dual-processor powerhouse which was arguably the last of the big-selling 8-bit home computers.
- Amiga Icon File Format: An unofficial guide to decoding classic Amiga icon images.
- ReAmiga 3000 (kiCAD): ReAmiga 3000TH by John 'Chucky' Hertell converted to KiCAD .
- ReAgnus Board (Design Complete): This board is designed to allow me to re-engineer Agnus (cycle exact) and enable us to build Amiga's into the future. It was built out of necessity to get me a 8372AB for my ReA3000. But i should be able to reassign the pins for other Agnus revisions (provided the power pins are always the same). Design is an ICE40HX4K FPGA + Level Shifters. It solders into a PLCC TH socket like Megachip. I'm sure someone will ask why I didn't put ram on here.. Simple. I'm a purist. I want this chip to replace Agnus and nothing else.
- OpenPCI MultiOS/MultiHardware PCI/AGP Drivers: Project of unified library and drivers for Amiga/Amithlon/Pegasos PCI/AGP Bus. This library is a wrapper for use lot of PCI Bus on Amiga/Amithlon/Pegasos (GrexA1200/A4000 (require cybpci.library and latest Grex 68040/68060 library), Prometheus (require prometheus.library v2.x), Amithlon (require powerpci.library v2.x), Pegasos (require Pegasos+MorphOS)).
- DigiBooster 3: DigiBooster 3 is a music tracker. Its history has roots in ancient times of Amiga. Amiga was the first popular computer having stereo PCM audio output. Then it had a potential to be used as a device for making music. This potential has been fully exploited.
- A\BOX Specifications: {Another 'vaporware' computer design} The heart of the A/BOX is the system controller: CAIPIRINHA.
- Why Amiga failed: I defiantly celebrated the 25th anniversary of Windows 95 by buying myself an Amiga 500. That relic from 1987 did everything Windows 95 did, and it ran an operating system that first appeared on the market 10 years before Windows 95. It was easily 10 years ahead of its time. But it flopped. Here’s why Amiga failed. There wasn’t any single thing that brought Amiga and its parent company, Commodore, down. If anything, the Amiga is a cautionary tale of how good engineering won’t save you if you get everything else wrong.
- Pacman 500 & MsPackMan 500: Pacman arcade 1:1 remake attempt for Amiga 500/1200
- RxEnv Tools for your ARexx development environment: Coding in ARexx on the Amiga can be great fun. It's a quirky little language by modern standards, nevertheless I find it to be a highly enjoyable experience. Still, ARexx was born in 1987, and it lacks many of the comforts we take for granted when working with younger scripting languages. I've always felt that it's suffered greatly from the inability to include other scripts, allowing the programmer to build a small library of functions that can complement the built-ins. I also frequently miss a Read, Eval, Print Loop.
- Tech Blog – Removing AGA Display Trashes: Many AGA Amiga users have experienced irritating flashing display "trashes" appearing in higher resolution AGA display modes like DblPAL or Multiscan. In general opinion these artifacts are caused by AGA chips overheating, being loaded with larger amount of video data to process. This opinion is so common, that even Jens Schönfeld in user manual for his Indivision AGA scandoubler, recommends attaching a radiator to the Alice chip if trashes appear on the screen. Unfortunately it does not work, as I've learned myself.
- How the Amiga could have lived to age 30 and beyond: It was 30 years ago this week that Commodore released its landmark, long-time-coming Amiga 1000 computer–the first 1990s computer in a field full of 1970s retreads. Yes, it was a 1990s computer in 1985. It had color and sound built in, not as expensive, clunky, hard-to-configure add-ons. It could address up to 8 megabytes of memory, though it ran admirably on a mere 512 kilobytes. Most importantly, it had fully pre-emptive multitasking, something that previously only existed in commercial workstations that cost five figures. It was so revolutionary that even NBC is acknowledging the anniversary. Being a decade or so ahead of its time was only the beginning of its problems, unfortunately.
- Commodore computer models: The Commodore 64 is by far the most famous and successful computer Commodore ever made. But there were numerous Commodore computer models over the years. Some were also successful. Some were complete flops. Overall Commodore had a good 18-year run, but it could have been so much longer and better. Let’s take a walk through the Commodore computer models from the beginning in 1976 to the bitter end in 1994.
- MediaVault: MediaVault is an open source desktop application, for AmigaOS 4, which can be used to discover online radio stations.
- Deniser - Amiga Denise chip replacement: Deniser is a drop-in replacement for the Amiga computer Denise chip. This repository contains board design files, FPGA logic source code and synthesis scripts. The idea is to make the material available for anyone to build and program the board for use as a Denise chip replacement.
- Should the Amiga be revived?: Every few years, we hear a story in the tech news about how some company is going to resurrect the Amiga computer, and I always have mixed feelings when this happens.
- Interview with Carl Sassenrath: To celebrate the 1000th article of Obligement, Carl Sassenrath returns through this long interview on its origins at Amiga Inc. in the 1980's (Manager of AmigaOS and Amiga CDTV system development, among others), the bankruptcy of Commodore, its passages at Apple Computer and Viscorp, Amiga NG, or on its new revolutionary language REBOL. A great name of Silicon Valley !
- The Double Life of Dave Haynie—A Rajant Engineer and Commodore Legend: In celebration of the Commodore 64’s 38th anniversary, a tale needs to be told about a Rajant prodigy who also happens to be a Commodore superstar.
- Amiga QuickBasic Compiler: An experiment in alternate history: what AmigaBASIC could have looked like, had it been developed further tailored to the Amiga OS. What AQB is not: AQB does not try to be a clone of any particular BASIC dialect - neither QuickBASIC, FreeBASIC or VisualBASIC nor any particular Amiga specific BASIC implementation like AmigaBASIC, ACE, HiSoft, GFA, Blitz or AMOS. While it strives to be as compatible as possible with the Microsoft BASIC family of languages (and certainly has many QuickBASIC traits) the primary focus is on the creation of a modern, clean, Amiga OS-compliant, future-proof BASIC that is tailored towards modern Amiga application development.
- Amiga Networking Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Part 1/2: Current version 2.1 (supersedes all previous versions real or imaginary) Date 12/15/96. The primary purpose of a FAQ is to preserve network bandwidth by answering Frequently Asked Questions. A FAQ's second purpose is to provide an altruistic public service to users and vendors.
- Amiga Networking Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Part 2/2: Current version 2.1 (supersedes all previous versions real or imaginary) Date 12/15/96. The primary purpose of a FAQ is to preserve network bandwidth by answering Frequently Asked Questions. A FAQ's second purpose is to provide an altruistic public service to users and vendors.
- AmigaVideo.net: Welcome to Amigavideo.net, a dedicated collection to the Amiga video memory! Over 160+ hours for your viewing pleasure!
- Amiga Report Magazine: Amiga Report Magazine was published between March 1993 and April 1998. As one of the first regularly-published online magazines, it broke new ground for the information revolution to come in the Internet age. Amiga Report published over 100 issues, overseen by three editors. The first, Robert Glover, modeled the publication after the long-running Atari-focused STReport, and quickly migrated the magazine from a text format to the pioneering AmigaGuide hypertext language. As Commodore struggled and the Amiga commercial market deteriorated in early 1994, Glover handed off the magazine to assistant editor Robert Niles. Niles, along with regular contributor Jason Compton, used Amiga Report as a platform to update Amiga users on the Commodore bankruptcy proceedings. Compton became the third and final editor in late 1994.
- HippoPlayer: HippoPlayer is a music player for macOS, Windows and Linux that mostly focuses on music made for systems such as Amiga, C64, and gaming systems. While HippoPlayer supports MP3, FLAC, Ogg Vorbis, etc it's not the main target. The original HippoPlayer is something I used a lot when I had my Amiga. Over many years I tried various players and while some of them hold up none of them has been what I been looking for. Before starting this project I looked around quite a bit for alternatives and nothing really fit the bill.
- Amiga Boot-up Screen Colors and System Error Checklist: When you boot up your Amiga you are always greeted with a series of flashing screen colors. On most days the screen will change from dark gray to a couple lighter shades then white before marching on. On bad days, it flicks over to an actual color of the rainbow, each with its own heart-stopping meaning. What do those colors mean? And what is the Amiga doing during the boot-up process in the first place? The following is a collection of ancient and excellent information compiled from various sources.
- AmigaGuide: AmigaGuide is a mark-up language for hypertext documents, introduced by Commodore International in 1992 as part of Workbench 2.1 and later extended in Workbench 3.0 and 3.1. This article describes the AmigaGuide format and provides a complete list of its commands.
- Ambermoon: Resources for the incredible Amiga game Ambermoon. This repository should serve as a place where resources and information about Ambermoon can be stored.
- Amiga Machine Code Course: Here you’ll find my complete set of posts covering the Amiga Machine Code course.
- AmigaOS Versions: The version number reflects a revision of the system software. The chart below lists the specific AmigaOS release versions that system libraries versions correspond to.
- A1000 Rejuvenator: This project aims to re-create the original Rejuvenator, and eventually improve on the original design. Schematics and board artwork are complete, and have been fabricated and tested. Several design errors on the original Rejuvenator which required bodge wires and trace cuts to rectify have been identified and eliminated in the new design.
- GimpILBM: A GIMP plugin for importing/exporting IFF-ILBM.
- CARLSEN ELECTRONICS: This site is dedicated to users of 8 bit Commodore Computer hardware. I had been doing consumer electronics repair work since 1964. I retired from my "day" job as a repair tech at the University of Washington in Seattle back in 2009 and likewise don't do consumer electronics repairs at home any longer... except for Commodore and related 8 bit computer hardware such as the C64 and C128 series and their peripherals. I don't repair the Amiga line or the PETs but I do make a replacement power supply for the Amiga A500, A600 and A1200 in addition to ones for the CBM C64, C128, VIC20E (early) and VIC20CR (late) and Plus/4 computers. {Ray Carlsen is a LEGEND!}
- Pictures of the Amiga Ranger (what should of been the Amiga 2000): {Chris Collins has a posted a photo album of 22 pictures of the Amiga Ranger Prototype.}
- Pictures of the Amiga 1K prototype: {Chris Collins has a posted a photo album of 26 pictures of the Amiga 1K prototype.}
- Pictures from the Amiga 30th Celebration: {Chris Collins has a posted a photo album of 399 pictures from the Amiga 30th celebration held at the Computer History Museum in Mountainview, CA in 2015.}
- Pictures of SACC 2015: {Chris Collins has a posted a photo album of 22 pictures of SACC 2015.}
- Pictures from RJ Mical 0x3c Birthday: {Chris Collins has a posted a photo album of 269 pictures from RJ Mical 0x3c Birthday.} Robert J Mical doesn't do a little party he has a weekend party for his 0x3c birthday.
- Rare and Prototype Amiga Items: {Chris Collins has a posted a photo album of 81 pictures of rare and prototype Amiga items.}
- Md2Guide: This is a simple program that converts a directory of markdown files (.md) to an AmigaGuide file. Amiga2Markdown requires .NET Core 3.1 runtimes, so runs on Windows, Linux and MacOS. It is launched through the console.
- Project SonnetAmiga: This project is an attempt at reimplementation of WarpOS for Sonnet Crescendo 7200 and other PPC PCI cards. The main part of the project is a library, which aims at API and ABI compatibility with WarpOS powerpc.library. This project is in a beta stage of development.
- Project ReWarp: This project is a reimplementation of WarpOS for AmigaOS 4 (work in progress). It's aim is to support all the current flavors of machines running AmigaOS 4 including the X5000. At this moment 95% of all WarpOS functions are implemented.
- Amiga5000.de: Welcome to Amiga5000.de On this page I present my projects. All of them were created using the Hollywood programming language. Accordingly some Hollywood-plugins are, if not included, required to run these tools. These can be downloaded on the Hollywood homepage. {here you can find ModExplorer, AmiBrixx, ArtBase, ComicOn, LookingForXmas and V-Trainer.}
- A2000 Serotina Mechanical Keyboard: The A2000 Serotina Keyboard is a build it yourself Open Source Hardware Mechanical Keyboard for the Amiga A2000 and A3000 computers. Features are: Uses standard PC keyboard parts, case + keycaps, Allows the use of the WASD keycap printing service for Amiga specific keycaps, All soldering is Through Hole - no SMD soldering required, No original A2000 keyboard parts required, All electronic components are still available to buy {and MORE!}
- Guru Meditation Errors - How to Read Them: Transcribed from an old document. Author and year unknown. Stamped by "Megadisc", a small Australian magazine-on-a-disc. It's not always obvious why your Amiga guru's. With the codes below, you can break the meaning down to its basic components and get to the bottom of things.
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Today's Highlights
- Greetings and Salutations. Full disclosure. Since the past few weeks have been exceptionally busy I'm going to backdate this post a few days so it looks like I did something in the past month. ;-) And to prove it I didn't even write about the A500 Mini. More to follow shortly!
Amiga Legal News Update
- While it seems like nothing is happening with Amiga.com proper, new OS 4.x hardware or any updates on OS4.x development its good to see the
Amiga/Amico Hyperion/Colanto trademark fight is still going strong. My head hurts!
New Links (1)
- Arananet RetroProducts Retro products for hobbyists: A large varity of items for the Amiga. CPU relocators, mouse adaptors, denise relocators, clockports, Zorro reinforcement power card, null modems, PISTORM GPIO adaptors, A500 Lazarus board, IDE to MSATA adaptor, the Joyster, Ultimare Floppy Emulator, Ultimate CDTV video board + SD & WiFi and more! Aldo stuff for the Atari, Acorn, C=64 and others
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Today's Highlights
- Hello everybody!! Well I'm back for now. Sorry for the lack of updates over the past month but it has been a very busy month. On the plus side the nice thing about being away for so long is there's no lack of things to talk about or sites to add.
Amiga Legal News Update
- Two stories to highlight. Amikit's legal actions against Amiga Addicts magazine and Evert Carton's testimony in the 'Never Ending Lawsuit'. So instead of trying to put my own spin on situations I am just linking the news stories from the always wonderful Amiga-News.de
- Amigakit threatening to oppose registration of 'Amiga Addict' mark in the UK.
- And the happy news it has been resolved. (Amiga-Addict)
- Evert Carton on the settlement agreement from 2009.
- And Hyperion's response to Evert's testimony.
New Links (5)
Commodore-Amiga Sales Figures: Information on the sales of the Amiga throughout the world may be lacking in many respects. However, there are some figures available that indicate how many were sold during the Commodore era. These only show official figures, the number of Amigas world-wide has been estimated to be 4 times as much.
Total share: 30 years of personal computer market share figures: {GREAT article by Jeremy Reimer detailing the past 30 years of computer sales.}
Amiga Enforcer: Enforcer is an advanced debugging tool for Amiga computer systems equipped with a 68020/68851, 68030, 68040, or 68060 CPU. It uses the MMU to help detect stray pointers and access to invalid memory. The Enforcer archive includes tools to help identify the exact location of bugs, including the line of source code in most C or Assembly code, as well as some other languages. Enforcer was instrumental in the development and testing of AmigaOS 2.04 (and up) and to the improvement of the quality of software on the Amiga. Enforcer is designed to provide more debugging capabilities across more hardware configurations and with more options than ever.
- Pictures from Amiga shows: This site contains pictures I have taken at some European Amiga shows and other events since 1998.
Next generation PowerPC library for classic AmigaOS (work in progress): This project is a reimplementation of WarpOS for various PPC PCI cards for the Zorro 3 big box Amigas. It is a rewrite from assembly to (mostly) C of the SonnetAmiga project.
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Today's Highlights
- Hello everyone (anyone)!! Let me apologize for the lack up updates over the past month. I was called out of state on short notice and had to put the website on the back burner. But don't worry I'll be back in a few days!
- So instead of trying to recap what we all ready know happened, I'm just going to lead with this VERY important headline...
Happy 36th Birthday Amiga!

At this point I hope we can make it 37!
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Today's Highlights
Hello All. Sorry for lack of updates. Let's just say that the last few weeks have been quite busy. Now combine that with the fact that Amiga world has been just active enough to keep me 'one step behind' on updating and I'm behind the power curve. Well new week, new motivation. I will be adding links all day long.
Amiga Legal News Update
- Nothing new to report
New Links (24)
- AmigaKit XE Raspberry Pi 4/400: A modern retro desktop Amiga pre-designed with 400+ AmigaOS3.x apps & games on a bootable all-in-one image to go straight to your own 16GB+ microSD card, USB3 Flash Stick or SSD
- Installing Windows NT 4.0 On A PowerPC: {just in case you ever have the need to install nt on a Motorola PowerPC based system.}
- A\BOX Specifications: {Amiga History Guide's page for the A\BOX}
- The adtools project: This is the Amiga developement tools project that host a number of tools that can be used to develop applications for AmigaOS and Amigaoid systems. At the moment only the version for the latest AmigaOS version (4.x) is in a relatively good shape while this is probably not the case for the other systems. The main repo is still hosted on a SVN repository under https://sf.net/projects/adtools. It uses the concept of vendor branches but this is making quick progress nearly impossible, so a new approach is tested here. In contrast to the original approch, build products that are based on other projects (e.g. gcc) are not imported directly into this repository. Instead only the patches that need to be applied to a given base version (e.g. stock gcc 6) are directly stored and maintained.
- Plakativ, Druck & Schrift: New badges and cardboard boxes and floppy labels for a majority of the Commodore line of computers and some peripherals. 1000's of items covered!!
- What happened to Amithon: A thread over at Amigaworld.net in which Bernie Meyer (AKA Umisef) tells his side of the story. Dated 7 Oct 2007.
- How to use the SAS C Compiler: {Good primer on how to to setup & use SAS/C.}
- Arduino Amiga Floppy Disk Reader/Writer aka DrawBridge: This project is now known as DrawBridge, standing for Disk Reader and Writer (bridge between disk and computer) My Aim: To create a simple, cheap and open source way to recover and rewrite data from and to an Amiga DD floppy disk from within Windows 10.
- Next Generation Amiga Architecture (archived): Amiga Announces Alliance with QNX for Next Generation Amiga Architecture. Amiga Inc. has announced an alliance with QNX Software Systems Ltd. to utilize the QNX realtime operating system (RTOS) as the foundation for the Next Generation Amiga architecture.
- Next Generation Amiga Architecture (archived): {Archived Amiga.com page announcing QNX as the new OS} Amiga Announces Alliance with QNX for Next Generation Amiga Architecture. Amiga Inc. has announced an alliance with QNX Software Systems Ltd. to utilize the QNX realtime operating system (RTOS) as the foundation for the Next Generation Amiga architecture.
- phase5 Unofficial Support Page: {Dowloads for virtually all Drivers/Libraries, CyberGraphX, Tools & Manuals.}
- REVIEW: Commodore Amiga 4000: {A review of the new A4000 on comp.sys.amiga.reviews dated 26 Oct 1992}
- REVIEW: Commodore Amiga 1200: {A review of the new A1200 on comp.sys.amiga.reviews dated 3 Jan 1993}
- Amiga 'Boot' Sequence: {A quick rundown of what happens when you boot an Amiga along with screen color errors. }
- Programming Textfiles: The Amiga: It was hard for me not to go completely over the top for the Commodore Amiga when I became aware of it in 1985. Here was a machine incredible graphics, stunning sound, amazing games, and a general sense that the thing could do most anything. I wasn't the only one; Amigas are still in use to this day for professional graphics work and video editing. But at the time, it just changed everything. Here's some files discussing the minutae of being a programmer on the Amiga. {lots of good info 'older' found here}
- C= Classic Amiga: Your Guide to everything Amiga: {Games, Demo Scene, Software, Forums, Hardware & more. While the main site doesn't seem to be updated the forums are still active.}
- Mr. Hardware Computers: Vast Amiga Experience, Great Prices, Real Customer Service. Amiga Computing Since 1985. Owner/Developer of SBase4Pro Amiga Since April 1996. Custom Amiga Business Management Software Development {may not still be in business}
- AmigaOS Versions: The version number reflects a revision of the system software. The chart below lists the specific AmigaOS release versions that system libraries versions correspond to.
- AmigaOne X1000: {The X1000 page on wiki.amigaos.net}
- AmigaOne: {An absolutely WONDERFUL resource for AmigaOne line of computers AmigaOne, AmigaOne 500, AmigaOne X1000, AmigaOne X5000 and other variations. Firware in stallation instructions can be found here too. Site in Polish}
- Run the Amiga 500 in your browser with Portable Native Client: {Article about running an Amiga in your web browser}
- Scripted AMIGA Emulator: Welcome! This site is the home- and demopage of the SAE, an Amiga emulator in pure HTML5 and JavaScript. It is heavily based on WinUAE and does use the AROS-Kickstart replacement. For more informations, please see the description. {Run an Amiga in your browser}
- Scripted AMIGA Emulator (github): Amiga Emulator in javascript and HTML5.
- AROS: {AmigaNG page about AROS. GREAT overview and source of information!!}
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Today's Highlights
Ramblings of a crazy man... Well it's been a month since the unexpected release of OS3.2. While I'm happy for all the hard work and understand the developers gave FREELY of their time and SACRIFICED monetary compensation to further the greater cause of keeping the Amiga alive, THIS SHIT HAS TO COME TO AN END!! Let me be Captain Obvious here and rehash a few key points. It's been 27 years, 1 month, 1 week and 6 days since Commodore went bankrupt and the current situation can be boiled down into this...
1 - People still love the Amiga: Funny but true. There is still something continues to draw us to this crazy little machine despite all the advancements and incredible products that have eclipsed us since it was launched.
2 - The community is all that's left: While there is ZERO modern commercial support, one could honestly make the point that there has NEVER been a better time to be an Amiga user. New motherboards, accelerators, FPGA systems, cases, keyboards, chips, software emulation and OS updates. HOLY CRAP!!
I think this is one single point that helps put everything in this whole crazy cluster in perspective. By the simple fact that you can take an average win10 machine, install WinUAE and Amikit and within 10 minutes have an Amiga that is faster and more capable than ANY Amiga before the death of Commodore shows that time has moved on!
Hell there are Amiga emulators that run within a web browser that are almost better than the real thing. (Sorry but all that is left is the Archive.org version of the page. No longer as fast but the proof of concept is there.)
If you remember back in the day it took hundreds of people, thousands of hours and millions of dollars to make an Amiga. Again... IN YOUR WEB BROWSER!! It has more memory, higher resolution and greater expansion than the one you had in your youth. As someone who LOVES old hardware, it really doesn't matter anymore. At least not in the practical sense. Need to use a different computer? Just load a different program. I realize that nothing can EVER replace the real thing but boy have times changed.
3 - There is no real world business opportunities or growth in the current market: The Amiga lives in the small but passionate world of vintage retro computing or the even smaller world of modern extreme fringe computing. (Does the A1222 sound familiar?) I'm betting almost all sales are from people over the age of 30. Honestly I think is 40+ but I'll stick with 30+ for now. I dare you to show me 2 companies providing the same level of goods and services that also are paying their monthly bills exclusively off sales of Amiga products and that have ANY chances of growth? Not going to happen.
4 - What the HELL are people still fighting for? WHAT IS THE END GAME????: Power? Money? Prestige? Control? The name? The hardware? The software? The community? What else is there? Someone help me out...
The Amiga is stuck in some kind of crazy alternate 1994 time line. In real world computers have moved on. No one give a shit about us. In the alternate time line the fight for control is still going on like the fate of middle earth depends on it. WTF? I'm starting to think the current business model is to be out of the market for so long that all the old timers die off so when it comes back it seems like a completely brand new hip retro product that will sell millions. If so then then mission half accomplished! And the last point...
5 - It's OK that it's dead: All things die but because of points 1 & 2 the Amiga can live on and in its only crazy little way even thrive. Will a new Amiga sell millions? No. Will we make any contributions to modern computing? No. Will anything every be easy for us? No. Do we all need to hold hands and get along? No. Does any of this even matter? F&^*^ NO. What does matter is everyone, in there own way, still cares and that means something!!
All I want, and what I'm sure everyone else wants this too, is to have fun with our Amigas in a community that isn't getting smaller by the day!
Hey... To those in charge... Find a way to co-exist and figure this S&*^*&^ out BEFORE WE ALL DIE OF OLD AGE!!! Seriously... It's been 27 years, 1 month, 1 week and 6 days...
Amiga Legal News Update
- Nothing new to report
New Links (6)
- G-REX PCI The Worlds Fastest Amiga PCI Solutions: Welcome to worlds biggest (unofficial) G-REX PCI Support Homepage. This page is primarily being build to give users a platform with all important information and current software for the G-REX PCI.
- RHAG - Robin Hood Amiga Group UK: RHAG is an Independent monthly meeting held in the East Midlands of the UK started in 2020 at Haywood Community Center. Monthly Nottingham Meeting serving Leicester, Worksop, Mansfield, Derby, Sheffield, Doncaster and Yorkshire.
- Amiga MCCCC: The Metroplex Commodore Computer Club has been in existence since 1983 supporting Commodore computers in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. We have supported the Amiga since the Amiga was introduced in 1985. The MCCC no longer asks for membership dues. If you attend a meeting and leave your email address with an officer, you will be considered a member of the club. This will entitle you to receive newsletters and other correspondence via email. Members will be considered active for one year following the last attended meeting.
- Amiga MCCC: An Amiga X1000 FAQ: {A well done FAQ covering the X1000 done by The Metroplex Commodore Computer Club. Dallas/Ft Worth Texas}
- AmigaONE X1000 {Archived}: A-EON's homepage for the AmigaOne X1000. {Why this page is no longer found on their current site is a complete mystery. Go figure...}
- COMMODORE LETS AMIGA DIE SLOW DEATH: (This appeared originally in the SanJose Mercury News and has since been reprinted many many times across the country... caused enough of an uproar in the Amiga community to prompt a reply (which follows) from that sleeping giant- CBM...) warehouser
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Today's Highlights
- I don't know how I always wind up forgetting this day...
 International Amiga Day. (Pic from IndieRetroNews.com)
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Today's Highlights
- A few more new articles and reviews of OS3.2. This time from Hackers News and this video review by WalkeroGR.
Amiga Legal News Update
- Two interesting stories from the great people at Amiga-News.de. First they are reporting Ben Hermans temporarily relieved from director position. Better just click on the above link and read it for yourself but Ben responded with "There is no issue of 'insolvency', there was failure to file the yearly account for 2019 in time due to the accountancy firm not having the time to complete this in time apparently due to the COVID restrictions including but not limited to 'work from home' restrictions and very limited staff allowed in offices. It would be inappropriate for me to comment further without approval for my lawyer."
Second they were sent an anonymous email "allegedly containing a fax from Amiga's lawyer Gordon E. Troy to Digital River." In the fax he goes on to state that distribution of OS 3.2 violates their trademarks and informing them not do distribute it.
WOW! Can't wait to see how these come out in the wash!
New Links (10)
- AmigaE-NPP (Notepad ++): I saw on discord that MickGyver had built some useful stuff for blitz basic providing syntax highlighting, function lists, auto-completion etc. I decided it looked like a useful thing to do and I set about building something similar for Amiga E. Mine doesn't attempt to do any shortcut keys for compiling, its purely to add cosmetic touches when editing Amiga E source code using Notepad++.
- D520, an adjustable DB23 RGB video / audio converter to HDMI: Since the advent of liquid crystal (or LCD) monitors and televisions with LED backlighting, and the replacement of the Scart / Scart socket by the HDMI port, it is become difficult to obtain a satisfactory image of his Amiga provided with a Scart socket. Thorsten Schubert worked for a few years on a device that could convert the analog video signal of the Amiga Classic (as well as the audio signal) into a digital signal, thus making it possible to use a monitor with an HDMI port. The result is the D520 , the first version of which dates from 2019. The D520 is therefore an adjustable external box with a generator of scanning lines or "scanlines" managing the specificities of Amiga resolutions. It converts the analog video (and audio) signal from your Amiga computer to a digital version that can be displayed on a monitor, TV or projector with digital video input.
- Deinterlacing, Scaling & Processing: Questions and Answers (2021 edition): It's been 12 years now since I switched from my classic Sony CRT television (with Scart RGB input) to a progressive CRT display. I've started using linedoublers back then to enjoy the more vibrant picture a progressive tube can provide. About 8 years ago I've switched to a LCD television and have upgraded quite some times since back then to better models (from a Samsung 32" to a LG 32" to a Sony 52" XBR5 and currently ending up with a 52" Sony HX905). Videoprocessors (enhanced linedoubling devices) has been a central part of my setup since back then. While I own a XBox 360 and a PS3 I still like to play classic videogames. I like my PC Engine, I love my Saturn and the PSOne's got a nice collection of classic videogames as well. In addition I've got a PS2 which provides a nice lineup of titles for everyday's use. For years I've strived to gain the perfect picture on my LCD display. I've test lots of different video devices and by setting up this little page, I want to provide an overview on what's available on the market today. {this page covers dozens+ on devices that will allow an older device to connect to modern display hardware. Definitions, write-ups, pictures, screenshots and more!}
- Classic Amiga upgrades: {Epsilon, again, does a wonderful job covering all the upgrades he has done to his classic Amigas. KVM's, Lyra PS/2 keyboard converter, PS/2 Cocolino mouse converter, Rys MKII usb mouse converter, Gotek floppy drive, GuruNet parallel port network card, A565 Plipbox ethernet device, ACE2 A500 2M chip memory upgrade, X-Surf 500 network card, ACA1233n 030 accelerator card and few more things!}
- 800 KB Amiga floppy disk (youtube): {French w/English subtitles} How does the Amiga manage to fit 880 KB on a double density floppy disk? Answer in this video! Direct access to chapters and links below: Introduction, PC/Atari 720 KB floppy, Amiga 880 KB floppy, Pauline, Similarities, Differences, and FDC & Conclusion. {also links to: HxCFloppyEmulator Software, Pauline, Live Pauline presentation, JeffHxC2001 channel, 720 KB Floppy disk & CrossDOS}
- AmiExpress BBS: Rewrite of the Amiga AmiExpress BBS system originally widely used by scene BBS's in the 1990s
- ImperiumTerranum2: Improved & adopted C version of ImperiumTerranum2 from Oxygenic/virtualworlds.
- ImperiumTerranum2 (German): The (inofficial) next part of Civilization, the fight for life of mankind in space! A Science-Fiction-simulation for the AMIGA only.
- Amiga-GCC: The GNU C-Compiler with Binutils and other useful tools for cross development. This is a Makefile based approach to build the same files as in the old amigaos-toolchain to reduce the build time. Right now these tools are build: binutils, gcc with libs for C/C++/ObjC, fd2sfd, fd2pragma, ira, sfdc, vbcc, vlink, libnix & ixemul (not really, but the headers are used).
- Epsilon's World: {Flat out one of the BEST blog sites about the Amiga! Now at a new web domain.}
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Today's Highlights
- Since its release the chatter from OS3.2 release has settled down. People have been able to order and even some have received their own copies and are doing reviews. Looking good!
- Hopefully only temporarily sad news. The INCREDIBLE site Amiga Hardware Database has gone off line. Fortunately it can still be reached at Archive.org. I'm happy to report that I was able to download all the files and DMS images I clicked on but YMMV. Let's hope this is only a short term glitch!
Amiga Legal News Update
- Since I'm not a lawyer I can't tell you the full meaning behind this but I do find it interesting that Cloanto applies for admittance of Evert Carton as witness (amiga-news.de). Time for some more popcorn???
New Links (11)
- Amiga Party Games that Nails the Weekend: I love to support the Amiga commercial games. But there are some remarkable party games that are totally free to download from Aminet. So, I decided to make this guide regarding Party Games for Amiga that are free. All of the games in this guide can be downloaded right now. The Amiga platform got everything from amazing shooters to brilliant snake remakes that are totally free to download and play. Just use this guide and you know what you need to make them run on your Classic Amiga.
- Metal Gear – Amiga Port: Originally released in 1987 for the MSX2, Metal Gear became an instant classic. Designed by the legendary Hideo Kojima, it spawned a huge franchise in stealth gameplay and is considered one of the top games from the platform. While there are ports for the NES, Spectrum and C64 they were missing a lot of the key details from the original game. An Amiga version was once advertised in a magazine but sadly was consigned to myth and legend. That is until now.
- Presenting the X1Boot Manager! (hyperion thread): Hello everyone! I'm excited to finally release the X1Boot Manager into the X1000 Linux world! :-D The X1Boot Manager is the culmination of a two year research and development project and then some I call the X1Boot Project. The aim of the X1Boot Project was to prove if: 1. Linux could be booted directly off an X1000 HDD (or SSD.) 2. Linux could be loaded from a standard AmigaBoot menu. 3. Linux could be managed from a Linux boot editor. Well I'm pleased to say I was successful in all three aims!
- Network Boot Disk for Amiga: This disk is made for getting any classic Amiga easily on network with good file transferring compatibilities. It could be helpful in emergency situations or when building up a completely new system. It's based on stripped down version of AmiTCP/IP 3.0b2 stack and couple of other freeware programs. Almost everything on the disk is packed and cutted down to minimum. You should install some full TCP/IP stack and latest full drivers for permanent use. Use this disk only by booting from it as it is! You've been warned.
- Amiga backup software comparison (amibay thread): {Good thread about several different programs: Abackup 5.22, AMI-Back 2.0i, Diavolo 3.7 Pro & Quarterback 7.3.1a}
- TextEditFiletypePlugins: Project for the Amiga that aim to gather many filetype plugins (highlighters) for AmigaOS 3.2 TextEdit. Anyone can contribute a new filetype like: E, Installer, AmigaGuide, LaTeX . . . Just ask
- Rom Kernel Reference Manual WIP: This book ROM Kernel Reference Manual: The Coveted Addendum aims to cover all programming topics of the Amiga operating system since Release 2 all the way to 3.2. Some of the features are 30 years old and some things were added within the last few years. That is a huge span and a huge undertaking to write about all of it. This book is initially published as a PDF as it is more important to get
- WBDock: Simple WB Dock for WB 1.3 & and an extended version for OS 3.1 and above. Fully configurable, various styles, supports external dock apps and more.
- Installer's Heaven: I've noticed MANY people are also having problems with manuals for their hardware. They don't know how to install something, because the don't have the jumper settings, or are missing some relevant info from the manual. I've decided to start a web page for that HERE. Have you ever lost an install disk for a piece of hardware, and then realize that the company is bankrupt? Ever had a cool day, and found a cheap accelerator for that old a1000, but don't know where to turn for the software? Well, here's the place! Take what you need, and send ANY software or manuals for hardware here, so others may benefit too! Hard_Drive_Controllers, Misc_Hardware, Ethernet_and_Serial, Accelerators, Audio, Video_Cards & Manuals.
- Retro Commodore: Welcome to Retro Commodore – Your place with high quality scans.
- Ben Hermans - ARTES: Homepage for Ben Hermans at ARTES.law.
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Today's Highlights
- It has been nice to see the recent activity on the forums caused by the release of OS 3.2. and the mini update Hyperion released just a few days earlier. Like everyone else I'm interested to see what comes next but in the crazy world that is AmigLand who knows. At least we only have "two more weeks to go!" ha ha.
Amiga Legal News Update
- Nothing new to report.
New Links (7)
- amy-itx: Based around the original custom chips of the Classic Amiga(tm) computer from Commodore(tm) I’m ready to run all your favorite Classic games and applications. My core design focuses on compatibility, stability and flexibility. My designer is an experienced hardware engineer and he started this project around 2010. Since then I’ve undergone some major design changes. Early boards were larger (ATX+) and based solely on through hole components. In the latest revision (they call me Amy-ITX now …) all non Commodore custom electronics are super small SMD (Surface-Mount Devices). Now I’m a standard Mini-ITX form factor. This not only makes me smaller in size (about 50%) but also cuts cost and makes me more environmentally friendly.
- 8bit2amiga(Polish/English): Idea for the 8bit2amiga project was born at the end of the 90's. When I was 14-15 I wrote my first Henry's House game room on Amiga. In 90's transferring graphics from Atari to Amiga was not as easy as it is today. Of course, the source code and that little work were lost for over 20 years, but a few months ago on the AOZ.Studio newsgroup an idea came up to write such a port. And so I completed the first room of Henry's House years later. More rooms will be released soon. If there is interest from you after Henry, I will start another 8-bit computer game.
- Welcome to the Unofficial Official SAS/C Compiler Support Page: Patches for the SAS/C 6.5x Development System.
- Amiga C Tutorial: This tutorial will help you to begin to understand how to write Amiga Programs using AmigaOS and Workbench. To create a GUI interface using Intuition, Gadtools or Reaction and use the features of AmigaOS to develop Amiga applications. Example code is included to help you understand it.
- Self-powered A500 SCSI Controllers : Although I no longer use any of my A500s regularly, I had a few spare hours during a recent rainy day and I decided to try out an idea I had. The intention was to power an A500 SCSI controller and hard drive off the same power supply that powers the A500, eliminating the 2nd power supply and it's attendant complexity and snarls of cables. I tried this idea on both a GVP A500 HD+ and a Commodore A590.
- Classic Amiga Gets Modernized With Custom Amy-ITX Motherboard Project: That initial sense of amazement at the Amiga’s unique capabilities is one of the reasons why the platform continues to have rabid fans some 30+ years later and why a small group of skilled enthusiasts have designed and manufactured a brand-new circuit board, dubbed the Amy-ITX, that brings actual Amiga hardware to the current mini-ITX form factor.
- Retro-Updates.com (Dutch/English): Who are we? For a very large group of enthusiastic users of retro computer hardware (such as Commodore, Atari, Sinclair ZX-Spectrum, and 386 / 486PC), we are looking for hardware modifications to maintain and update these retro computers for the current time. The focus is on computers, but you can also think of older Synthesizers, samplers, etc. We are constantly looking for new applications that we would like to make available to you.
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Today's Highlights
- STOP THE PRESSES and color me impressed!! Welcome news from Hyperion. Today they just released AmigaOS 3.2 for all Classic Amigas! Over 2 years of work and 100+ new features. WOW!
Brussels, May 14, 2021
Hyperion Entertainment CVBA is very pleased to announce the immediate availability of AmigaOS 3.2 for 68K based Amigas.
AmigaOS 3.2 comes packed with well over 100 new features, dozens of updates that cover nearly all AmigaOS components and a battery of bugfixes that will undoubtedly solidify the user experience.
AmigaOS 3.2 is the result of more than 2 years of intense and relentless work from a team of over sixty people who have contributed to produce a new milestone in AmigaOS history.
Hyperion Entertainment CVBA has no words to express its gratitude to this talented and resilient team for its impressive work ethic.
The most comprehensive version of AmigaOS 3.2 is available now on CD-ROM and contains all the disks and AmigaOS Kickstart ROM sets for all Amiga machines ever produced allowing users to install AmigaOS 3.2 on multiple different types of Amigas at once.
Place your order now with your Amiga dealer of choice!
Digital (machine type specific) downloadable versions will follow.
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But to be honest I'm more curious how this will affect the ongoing court case and the chances of someone gaining full control over the OS and the remaining IP? With that said I have nothing but the greatest respect and admiration for all the people involved!
Anyway here are some more links and threads for your viewing pleasure.
AmigaOS 3.2 for all Classic Amigas released and available (Hyperion)
AmigaOS 3.2 released! (English Amiga Board)
AmigaOS 3.2 for all Classic Amigas released and available (AmigaWorld)
AmigaOS 3.2 has been released for all classic Amiga's! (Indie Retro News)
AmigaOS 3.2 for all Classic Amigas released and available (Amigans)
AmigaOS 3.2 for classic Amiga is available now (Amitopia)
AmigaOS 3.2 for classic Amiga is available now (Generation Amiga)
List of approved dealers (Hyperion)
Amiga News Update
- Nothing new to report.
New Links (7)
- Gamingboard GK64: nowy produkt Commodore Business Machines LTD (Polish): {Article talking about the new owners of the Commodore brand name.}
- Hyperion: List of approved dealers: List of approved dealers who sell Hyperion products.
- Amiga Developer Docs: From the Amiga Developer CD v2.1 (OS 3.5). Note: The complete Amiga Developer CD v2.1 (with much more material) can be purchased at Vesalia online. [*] Amiga Mail Volume II (May/June 1993) [*] Amiga RKM Devices Manual [*] Amiga Hardware Reference Manual [*] Includes and Autodocs 2.0 [*] Includes and Autodocs 3.5 [*] Amiga RKM Libraries Manual [>] ADCD 2.1 File List (with titles)
- AmigaOS 3.5: Homepage of Amiga OS 3.5 from HAAGE & Partner Computer GmbH.
- AROSRetrofit (Sweden): Swedish Amiga store. Accelerators, OS 3.1.4 & 3.2, Mouse adapters, ROM switchers, Shirts and more.
- Ways in which The Amiga is Different: The Amiga has stayed alive even though it has had little or no development since Commodore went bust three (now ten, 19 April 2005!) years ago. Why? Here I have collected what various people have said about the Amiga - people who use it or who have bought it. (Note: This collection should NOT be taken as a complete list of the good points of the Amiga; many are not mentioned since they are either found on other platforms or are so well known in the Amiga community that users take them for granted.) First, let's hear what Gateway, who purchased the Amiga, said about it, then the rest is devoted to comments by those who use it.
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Today's Highlights
- Hyperion posted an mini update to the timesync.library. Read more about it here.
Amiga News Update
- Nothing new to report.
New Links (5)
- Commodore user Europe: The aim of www.commodore-users.eu is to bring together the community of Commodore computers users in Europe and beyond, and have us meet and share on a regular base. Commodore users are invited to contribute by presenting their work in areas such as new software and programming (i.e. libraries), former and new OSes, genuine and modern hardware, emulators, art i.e.: petscii or sprites, book reviews etc. We do also accept presentations from hardware/software vendors/editors, also from writers presenting their books or magazine editors.
- Amiga Technologies: {Who knows what will be on this site in the future...}
- The Byte Order Fiasco: One of the most challenging topics in the C / C++ programming language is how to handle endianness properly. There's a surprising amount of depth here. I've been programming in C for a while and I feel like I keep learning about this subject, even when I thought I'd seen it all.
- The byte order fallacy: Whenever I see code that asks what the native byte order is, it's almost certain the code is either wrong or misguided. And if the native byte order really does matter to the execution of the program, it's almost certain to be dealing with some external software that is either wrong or misguided. If your code contains #ifdef BIG_ENDIAN or the equivalent, you need to unlearn about byte order.
- The reason behind endianness?: {Stack flow thread with good information about endians.}
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Today's Highlights
- After some digital spelunking I was able to add a few more daily postings between 2004-2008. Boy have things changed!! Here's a link from 2003 when the site was hosted on a Sun Cobalt server in the back room at my local RadioShack in 29 Palms CA. They had the Qube. What memories.
- Still making progress on the back end!
Amiga News Update
- Nothing new to report.
New Links (15)
- Phase 5 Story: The history of Phase 5 as told by the gents at Amiga History Guide.
- QNX, Phase 5 to bring Neutrino OS to upgraded Amigas: QNX Software Systems today cocked a snoot at Amiga by announcing a tie-in with German hardware developer Phase 5 to port the QNX OS to Phase 5's PowerUP PowerPC-based Amiga upgrade cards, as predicted here Phase 5 also announced its upcoming multi-CPU PowerPC-based AmiRage K2 system, which will run QNX.
- AMIRAGE K2: The AMIRAGE K2 was a next generation system announced by Phase 5 on July 22nd, 1999. Based upon the QNX operating system, the computer provides mutual benefit for both companies- Phase 5 can produce fantastic hardware but lack software support, QNX need a hardware partner to move into the Amiga market after being cast aside by the Amiga Company.
- Interview with Dan Dodge QNX (translated by google): Interview conducted by Andreas Neumann and taken from Amigagadget - April 2000
- ZZap!: Homepage for ZZap! An Italian multi-format retrogaming magazine. Soon it will include a good selection of Amiga games and tools reviews.
- Java for the Amiga: Java will run on an Amiga? Yes, Java will run on the Amiga. There are some serious limitations at this time, but if you read on, you'll find out all you'll need to know to get Java up and running on your Amiga.
- Fixing Blizzard 1260: When we first tested a (borrowed) Blizzard 1260 with the A1100 it didn’t work. It’s been a long research until we found out what the cause was and how to fix it with minimal intervention.
- uboot-amigaone (sourceforge): This project is an effort to bring the port of Das U-Boot firmware bootloader used in Eyetech's AmigaOne SE, XE, and MicroA1 boards up to date, compiling with Denx ELDK, fix bugs and etc.
- Amigaone X5000 Blog: The writer of this blog is an avid Amiga and retro gaming fan boy based in the UK who fell in love with video games from the age of 9 when his parents decided to buy him an Atari 2600 from the Index catalogue along with a few games.
- The A-EON Amiga X5000: An alternate universe where the Amiga platform never died: A new Amiga computer emerges that is both modern and an Amiga.
- Backups on the Amiga X5000: Happy New Year everyone! I’ve got big plans for my Amiga projects in 2019, but thought I’d start off the New Year with a blog post on a not-particularly “exciting” topic, but an important one nonetheless: Backups. As I am experimenting more with my X5000 and Amiga OS 4.1, I’ve been getting particularly “twitchy” that I didn’t have a solid backup/restore plan in place, particularly as some of my experiments will invariably go wrong and I’ll need a way to roll back my changes to a known-good state. I spent a few days researching and implementing a backup strategy that’s ideal for my needs and hopefully there will be something of use to other Amiga owners too.
- FreeBSD AmigaOne X5000 Support: This project is a continuation of the Book-E QorIQ support enhancements by Semihalf dating back to 2012. The AmigaOne X5000 series of AmigaOS-compatible systems uses the Freescale QorIQ series of SoCs for a desktop-class form factor. The work here entails adding support for the e5500 core itself, in addition to support for the SoC peripherals.
- Installing {FreeBSD} on a AmigaOne X5000: {A forum post about the subject.}
- AmigaOne X5000 Update Uboot: {How to update the U-Boot your X-5000. Currently has working links to the files.}
- Welcome to the classicamiga Wiki!: The information resource for the Commodore Amiga. Welcome to the classicamiga wiki site. This Wiki provides information, tutorials, FAQs and guides about the Amiga and Amiga emulation. It has been created to help the Amiga community, and Amiga users, find out and explore as much about the Amiga as they can. Initially the existing articles from the main classicamiga.com site's FAQs and Tutorials section have been ported over to the Wiki, and then this Wiki will be fully replacing that section of the main site. This will allow this part of classicamiga to grow and expand with member participation. We hope you all find this Wiki useful. Please post comments, feedback, ideas and suggestion on the classicamiga forum.
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Today's Highlights
- Happy to report that I restored access to the previous years news pages. Right now, while the page is created dynamically, the individual news stories are 'hard coded'. This is only a 'quick temp fix' while I finish up on the code to generate everything dynamically. But at least now you have access to hundreds of more links and random comments to enjoy!
- Also every page now has an unique title.
- Kas1e over at AmigaWorld.net has posed on youtube this ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL video of him setting up his new Sam460cr. This is MUST WATCH viewing for all SAM and OS4 users!! It was worth making a special news entry today for it!
Amiga News Update
- Nothing new.
New Links (1)
- Sam460: from the Beginning to the End: The video is about PowerPC-based motherboard Sam460cr. Sam460cr is a PowerPC modular motherboard engineered and produced by ACube Systems and it is totally made in Italy. The core of the board is the PowerPC 460EX, a System On Chip (SoC) from Applied Micro which allowed to build a PowerPC motherboard running at 1.10 GHz, and very low power consumption! A Movie contains 7 parts: PART 1: Unpacking the package and close look at the motherboard. PART 2: The first run. Tests on the Table. PART 3: Installing into the case. Vertical GFX setup. PART 4: Installing of AmigaOS4 FE. an USB Stick way. PART 5: The basic configuration: Network, Audio, and Extras. PART 6: UP 2 DATE. Installing Update1 and Update2. PART 7: Full settings. Real-life performance.
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Today's Highlights
- Found some good code to assist me with the admin back end and I'm making really good progress. I hope to have something to show by the end of the week.
But until then... Enjoy!
Amiga News Update
- Nothing new.
New Links (13)
- Amiga stuff for newbies: I'm not trying to compete with the Amiga FAQ that appears in Amiga newsgroups periodically - it covers all kinds of things that I don't plan to mention at all. I'm also not trying to compete with manuals - this page is mostly for people whose Amiga didn't come with one. There will definitely be plenty of things missing from this page - e.g. instructions for the text editors and Arexx, detailed syntax of commands, description of Workbench preferences programs.
- The Next-Generation Amiga That Never Materialized Just Went Up For Pre-Order: The Apollo Team’s Vampire FGPA-based accelerators are also among the most sought after upgrades for Amiga performance enthusiasts. There are an array of Vampires out there for various model Amigas, but the Vampire V4 is the newest and most powerful. And one iteration can actually function as a standalone Amiga – it doesn’t need to be installed in an existing system. The Vampire V4 is an Altera FPGA-based standalone computing device, which recreates a Motorola 680x0 class CPU and all of the custom Amiga chips inside the FPGA, but add some new features and capabilities as well. The “Apollo Core” that runs on the Vampire’s FPGA is a code-compatible Motorola 68K processor, that also offers approximately 3x – 4x the performance of the fastest actual 68060, which was the highest-performing 68K series processor available during the original Amiga’s heyday.
- Amiga Documents 3.1.4: Hundreds of Amiga related legal and factual documents all in one place.
- The Amiga 2000 You Always Wanted: Back in the late 1980s, Commodore pulled the masterstroke of selling several models and generations of Amiga that were all powered by essentially the same speed 68000 and associated chipset. Sure, there were differences in the RAM and other options you could fit and later models had a few extra graphics modes. Still, the entry-level A500 did substantially the same as the high-end A2000. No matter, we the fans all wanted a 2000 anyway, though we typically found ourselves unable to afford one. It’s 2021 now though, so if you never achieved the dream of owning your own A2000, now you can build one of your own! It’s the task [Drygol] has taken on, with an A2000 made entirely from new components, save for a few salvaged Commodore-specific chips and connectors.
- Amiga2000-remake: A recreation of the Amiga2000 motherboard using Sprint Layout.
- Amiga 2000 – Codename: Tesseract: The plan was to make a fully working A2000 mobo from a scratch, meaning, to get a brand new PCB, solder it all up and make it work. That was my first task, which turned out to be quite easy but also time-consuming. As a bonus, it was also a very relaxing experience.
- AmigaOS 3.9 to 3.1.4: A well written and very detailed walk through a 3.9 to 3.1.4 journey.
- FloppyControl: This project started in 2015. I had 300 floppy disks that I kept from my Amiga 500 and Amiga 1200 period. I planned to buy a second hand Amiga after I sold them for a new PC. That of course didn't happen. The data stored on the floppy disks was mostly my personal files, videos, music modules, painted pictures, 3D objects and renderings etc. And a complete backup of my system and data files. I wanted to reconstruct the files that I used to have. However, the Amiga disk format is not something any PC could read, at least not in Windows in a simple way. The disks were in a poor state with fungus and dust. So I set out to clean them. The 3D printable Floppy cleaning kit was a result of this.
- ComicOn: Welcome to ComicOn. You surely know these short comic-strips, shown in newspapers. Every day a new strip. Nowadays, these strips are stored on webservers. ComicOn simply downloads the strip of your choice and displays it to you. Simply select a Comic and a date. ComicOn opens the strip for you. ComicOn was done using Hollywood. It requires some Hollywood-plugins, which you can download on the Hollywood-portal.
- Amiga-2000-ATX: The purpose of this project is to develop an open source Amiga 2000 PCB in the EATX form factor. What is EATX? It is an ATX variant that allows slightly deeper PCBs, measuring 12 x 13 inches (305 × 330 mm). These are referred to as Extended ATX, or, EATX. The length of Zorro II cards, not to mention the abundance of components on the Amiga 2000, makes EATX the best choice for this project.
- CDTV Land: Welcome to the soft-launch of CDTV Land! This website will be all about Commodore’s interactive multimedia player, the CDTV, that was released in 1991. For information about this site itself, see the About page. Otherwise, please select any of the sections below to start off your journey into the land of Commodore’s Dynamic Total Vision!
- Box / case / enclosure with lid and screws for SCSI2SD v6 card + DB25 adapter, Mk.2: Box/case/enclosure with lid for the SCSI2SD v6 card with the IDC50-to-DB25 adapter, Mk.2.
- Magic User Interface (MUI) – Documentation+Releases : This GitHub repository is a public site for organizing and maintaining the development of the so-called Magic User Interface (MUI) for AmigaOS-driven computer systems. While the services and information on these pages are mainly focused for the developers of the AmigaOS port of MUI only, it also provides online API documentation targeted for interested software developers using MUI. In addition, for end-users wanting to enhance their MUI experience, this site provides updates as well as online documentation and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). Even more important every developer and end-user using MUI is invited to report bugs and request enhancements by using the public ticket management system.
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Today's Highlights
- I'm happy to report that everything is still working. Now I'm on to Phase two: The Admin link editor. This is truly the HEART of the site allowing for the easy entering and editing of links. It's going to take a few days but once it's completed I promise I'll dive right in and work overtime to make up for years of neglect! The nice thing is once it's completed it should be simple for me to scale down a version for you all to help! Lord knows I need it!! Fingers crossed!
- KK/Altair has released Dread Ep 07- Adding Sound FX of his quest to create a worthy "Doom" clone for a stock A500. Even if you don't care about the game it's still worth watching it. The craftsmanship and engineering he has put into designing this game is truly EPIC!
- Oh and one last thing Amiga-News.de is reporting on a NEW, less expensive A1200 card from the Gunther and his team over at Apollo-Core call the Raptor 1200. Unlike a Vamprire, this card this one will be just an accelerator. No RTG, HDMI, IDE ot SD card support. I for one could not be happier. The more choices the better!!
As always... Enjoy!
Amiga News Update
- Nothing new.
New Links (11)
- The Amiga 500 promo video (1987) - youtube: Commodore's official A500 prmo video. {Why the link? Because it's cool!}
- Interesting Interview with Amiga Paula sound chip creator Glenn Keller: A very interesting interview that is made by The Guru Meditation is now on-line! These two amazing people with full of Amiga interest and spirit have managed to interview the Paula Amiga soundchip designer Glenn Keller. He made it possible for the AmigaScene, MOD composers and music groups like Paula Powered create amazing created music that sound just amazing! You also get to know that the Amiga soundchip maker was looking for a ocean engineering jobs, but ended working at Amiga and Commodore. This happened in San Francisco, he mentions.
- Commodore Amiga Paula Chip: A nice page with lots of Paula information.
- The rise and fall of Commodore: David John Pleasance, former Commodore MD, tells Martin Cooper MBCS about life inside one of computing’s most loved firms. He also explains why retro computing could be the key to getting a new generation of young people interested in technology.
- Amiga Boing Ball -making of - youtube: Ever wondered how the famous Amiga demo of the boing ball came about, well wonder no more.
- How Emulate an Amiga 1200 on Your Linux PC or Raspberry Pi: Emulate your ultimate Amiga computer.
- Maker Uses Raspberry Pi 400 for Amiga Project: An old school project for a nostalgic new Raspberry Pi. This project is essentially PiMiga running on the Raspberry Pi 400. If you're new to retro PC emulation, check out our guide on how to emulate amiga on systems like the Raspberry Pi.
- This Raspberry Pi Project Adds HDMI Output to an Amiga 500: Use the screen you want on the computer you love. We're long time fans of the Amiga franchise here at Tom's Hardware and can't ignore our biases when it comes to awesome Raspberry Pi crossover projects—like this HDMI hack for the Amiga 500, created by a maker known as Reinhard Grafl. The project essentially uses a Raspberry Pi to work with an adapter board to convert the Amiga video signal into HDMI output. It's designed to work with Amiga versions that use a socketed DIP Denise chip.
- Raspberry Pi Turbo Boosts Amiga 500 Retro Computer: In the 1980s the home computer market was dominated by the likes of Atari, IBM, Tandy and Commodore and one of the most popular machines was the Amiga. The most popular of the range was the Amiga 500 and with Claude Schwarz's Raspberry Pi Amiga PCB known as PiStorm you can seriously boost the power of this humble home computer.
- AmigaOne X5000 Update Uboot: To Update U-Boot on your X-5000 machine, you can use any one of several different methods.
- Nightly Builds of MUI: Looking for the latest builds? Well look no further.
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Today's Highlights
- Good news everyone EVERYTHING you a see now is functional!! Back on the 22nd I completed the last part of, what I am calling, PHASE 1 of the rewrite. The last part, the basic SEARCH feature, is again working! Please note that as with CATEGORIES, both are searching th OLD database so don't expect to find anything NEW just yet. In Phase 2 I will be completing the Admin link editor which will allow me to easily add, delete & re validate all the links. Right now the old database has 1400+ links and I'm currently sitting on 3000+ more so this wont be an overnight job so be patient. Good things come to those who wait.
As always... Enjoy!
Amiga News Update
- Nothing new.
New Links (2)
- PISTORM BRINGS MODERN MUSCLE TO THE AMIGA: The Amiga, well known as the best and greatest computer ever designed, is nonetheless a platform of yesteryear. Its 68K, and later PowerPC, architectures have both been abandoned by the mainstream, and its attractive grey industrial design no longer graces store shelves. That doesn’t mean the platform is dead however, with diehard shredders like [Claude Schwarz] working hard to keep it alive with projects like PiStorm. PiStorm is a Motorola 68K CPU emulator, running on a Raspberry PI 3A. The Pi uses its GPIOs to interact with a CPLD chip, which acts as the logic glue to allow the modern single board computer to emulate the Amiga’s original processor. However, it’s more than just an easy way to replace or upgrade a CPU. It also offers additional features, like retargetable graphics acceleration, SCSI disk emulation, and the ability to run whatever Kickstart ROM you so desire.
- EXPANSION BOARD PUTS SPOTIFY ON THE AMIGA 500: No doubt some purists in the audience will call this one cheating, since this Amiga 500 from 1987 isn’t technically connecting to Spotify and playing the music by itself. But we also suspect those folks might be missing the point of a site called Hackaday. With all the hoops [Daniel Arvidsson] hopped through to make this happen, what else could it be if not a hack?
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Today's Highlights
- More big news coming. The SEARCH is nearly completed on the development machine. Once I iron out the last of minor issues I will post it live. **PLEASE NOTE** Just like CATEGORIES, the SEARCH feature is only searching the old database. This will change once I finish my custom Admin link add/edit/del portal. As always... Enjoy!
Amiga News Update
- Interesting to still see Hyperion-Director (Ben H) is still posting over at Amigaworld.net. Normally he is a 'one and done' type poster. Maybe something can come from this interaction with the community...
New Links (7)
- GL4ES SDK for AmigaOS4: GL4ES is an OpenGL 2.1/1.5 to GL ES 2.0/1.1 translation library, with support for Pandora, ODroid, OrangePI, CHIP, Raspberry PI, Android and AmigaOS4. For AmigaOS4 translation done via ogles2.library (written by Daniel "Daytona" Muessener), and which in turn works on top of warp3dnova.library (written by Hans de Ruiter). Minimum requirements for ogles2.library are 2.8 and for warp3dnova.library it should be 1.65 With GL4ES we have not only OpenGL1.x as with MiniGL, but OpenGL 1.x, OpenGL2.x and even some limited OpenGL3.x support. Also it is faster than MiniGL and bug-less. Written by Sebastian "ptitSeb" Chevalier. AmigaOS4 version handled by kas1e, but all actual AmigaOS4 related code still done by ptitSeb.
- RxMUI: RxMUI is the definitive solution to create GUIs in ARexx macros. RxMUI uses MUI, which is one of the best thing happened to Amiga so far, despite last strange decisions made by someone. It means you will benefit of the MUI philosophy programming in your ARexx macros. RxMUI will also introduce you in the wonderful world of the Object Oriented Programming in the most easy way, which is from a simple interpreted language like ARexx. Read the RxMUI documentation for more info. Here you may find a list of all the MUI classes and all the libraries needed to properly run RxMUI examples.
- GloomAmiga: Source code to the Amiga FPS classic by Black Magic. Source is provided "as-is" with no support, and no guarantee that it contains the full, complete or final code or data.
- The Scorpion Engine – The next best creation tool for the Amiga gets an update: As most of you are aware, there are different ways to create Amiga games, either through Amos, Blitz Basic, RedPill or through the rather lackluster Backbone. But one such engine is making its presence known, and that’s Earok’s Scorpion engine; a constantly updated piece of software that gives developers the tools to create graphically impressive games, running at decent frame rates even on the lowest spec’d Amigas.
- scorpion-editor-experimental: This is the experimental version of the Scorpion Editor, it is only minimally tested and contains no sample games. Unless there are specific fixes in this build that you need, the mainstream build at scorpion-editor-demos is recommended.
- Editor for Scorpion engine (closed source), along with demo games (open source): Note: This is an ongoing work-in-progress version of the Scorpion Editor for Windows and the included Commodore Amiga game samples. It isn't feature complete, is likely to have more than a handful of breaking bugs, and may not work on every Windows configuration - Windows 10 is the recommended OS. Updates will be released on an "early and often" basis.
- Scorpion Engine (EAB): Currently a 37 page thread over at English Amiga Board covering the Scorpion engine.
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Today's Highlights
- Big news today. CATEGORIES have returned. It works BUT for now it only returns results from the original database of 1400+ links. I will GUARANTEE you that a lot the links are DEAD but that's where Archive.org will come in and hopefully fill in most of the holes. Remember some of these links go back 20+ years. A temp solution for SEARCH is next. Enjoy!
Amiga News Update
- All's quiet on the western front.
New Links (1)
- classicamiga Wiki: Welcome to the classicamiga wiki site. This Wiki provides information, tutorials, FAQs and guides about the Amiga and Amiga emulation. It has been created to help the Amiga community, and Amiga users, find out and explore as much about the Amiga as they can. Initially the existing articles from the main classicamiga.com site's FAQs and Tutorials section have been ported over to the Wiki, and then this Wiki will be fully replacing that section of the main site. This will allow this part of classicamiga to grow and expand with member participation. We hope you all find this Wiki useful. Please post comments, feedback, ideas and suggestion on the classicamiga forum.
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Today's Highlights
- Cleaned up the main page by temporarily removing the static 2020 content. A year and 4 months was TOO much. Working on the 'CATEGORIES''
Amiga News Update
- All's quiet on the western front.
New Links (6)
- ArtPazz: ArtPazz is a puzzle game where the player has to piece together the tiles an image has been split into. The size and the shape of the tiles can be adjusted, which allows to set the difficulty to anything from to tremendously easy to brain-wracking. ArtPazz has been designed to be very simple and suitable for all ages, so learning how to play is a matter of minutes or even just seconds.
- Classic Workbench: Download an Amiga Workbench OS, Preinstalled packs setup for real A500+ A600 A1200 A1500+ A2000+ A3000 A4000 and UAE {systems. Several system configurations available: Lite, full, advanced,P96, UAE, OS3x & 68k. Provides preinstalled applications, icons, screen and color modes settings, and MUCH MUCH more!}
- SAM440 I/O Expansion Board: This expansion board for the SAM440ep and SAM440ep-flex motherboards adds the following ports (from left to right): 1x VGA (HD15), 2x S/P-DIF digital (TOSLINK, fiber optic), 1x USB 1.1, 2x USB 2.0, 5x audio jack 3.5 & 2x S/P-DIF digital (RCA coaxial in/out).
- Amiga Magazine Rack - Index of Magazine Coverdisks: {While this site has already been added I think it's important to highlight this handy feature!! From the main page select magazine of choice from drop down--> select coverdisk index (note not every disk has been cataloged but its a good start)}
- Bit-Preserve: {Project for capturing vintage, classic, aka old computer schematics in KiCad. Covering Amiga, Apple, Atari, Commodore, DEC/Terminals, Dragon, MITS/Altair, Sinclair, Tandy-RS computers. From a power supply to a motherboard various schematics are available. # of schematics varies by manufacturer. Note: Only 1 schematic in the Amiga folder.}
- NETWORKING A1200 networking from the next room to the next world: {Overviews and details on ParNet, Serial, TCP/IP, PC2Amiga, Envoy, NCP, Samba, NetFS, Power PCMCIA Ethernet & Eyetech CNet PCMCIA}
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Today's Highlights
- Still working on the temp solution for 'CATEGORIES'' and the 'SEARCH' function
- Look what arrived last week in the mail. What an exceptionally well done book. I was happy to see Substance by Alliance Design of Quartex. It's even the first pic on the cover! That was, and still is, my goto demo when I need to show off! Still KICKING myself for missing the initial funding window and not getting my name in the book. Darn it!
 A bit of light reading just in time for beginning of the work week.
Amiga News Update
- Rest assured when I say "I'm not the best at deciphering the slow trickle of court documents so I leave that to you the experts". More court docs were released over the weekend but thats not the interesting part. After a long period of silence Ben Hermans (Director Hyperion Entertainment) posted over at AmigaWorld and gave us a a brief peek inside his current thought process. Anyone care to read into the tea leaves on this one?
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Today's Highlights
- Wishing my Mom a BIG DOO-WOP HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Love you Mom!
- While I'm actively working on a full re-write of the 'CATEGORIES'' and 'SEARCH' portion of the site, I plan to have a quick 'DOWN AND DIRTY' fix back on line in a few days. Nothing perfect but at least it will be something to restore greater functionality back to the site! I REALLY need to clean up this front page!! Right now I'm tracking over 512 links on this page alone.
- Busy past few days on the software side of the house. A bunch of updates made news.
- AmiKit XE for the Raspberry Pi 4/400 has been released
- IBrowse 2.5.4 has been released
- AmiSSL 4.9 has been released
- Updated AHI driver for AOS4
- A-EON announces Enhancer Software Release 2 is now available
Amiga News Update
- Hats off to everyone on the Amiga Developer Team for their three years of hard work on Enhancer software package release 2.
New Links (5)
- Smashed Amiga 2000 Gets New Lease On Life: For most people, opening up a package and seeing that the Amiga 2000 you purchased on eBay had been smashed up by the delivery carrier would be a heartbreaking moment. But not [Drygol]. If you live and breathe vintage computer restorations like he does, finding your latest acquisition is in need of more repairs and upgrades than you originally anticipated is actually a bonus.
- Welcome to the MorphOS Library: The wiki based library of MorphOS related documentation.
- Bob's Bits: Tindie shop for Bob's Bits. Here you will find replacement for several Amiga and Amiga related boards. (Plus Commodore 64 Motherboards too!) A quick list includes: Amiga 2000 Replica PCB by Floppie209, Replacement "Vidiot" board for Amiga Computers, Multipurpose ATX Adaptor by Ian Stedman, Diet Agnus Adapter by LIV2,
Flickerfixer/Scandoubler PCB for Amiga 2000, Open Amiga 500 Fast RAM Expansion by SukkoPera, Terrible Fire 534 (TF534) Accelerator PCB, and more!!
- A500++ Amiga 500+ Replica PCB: This is a replica Printed Circuit Board (PCB) from the Commodore Amiga A500+ computer. This board is based on the last A500+ board that was produced by Commodore (Model 8A). The board was created to allow Amiga A500+ computers that had damaged or faulty PCBs to be successfully repaired. This can be achieved by moving all components from an original damaged board to the replica board. Some parts can also be replaced by modern alternatives.
- Tygre's Amiga Wiki - AmiMod Radio: Did you know that, as of 2015/06/02, there are more than 20,000 packages in the mods directory on Aminet? Yes! That's more than 20,000 modules to play and enjoy! There are also thousands of modules on Haxor.fi, Modland, Modules.pl . So, why not have a program that could automatically download one module at-a-time, extract it, and play it using your favorite player? This is the purpose of AmiModRadio! It can download, unarchive, and send modules to your favorite players: AmigaAMP, DeliTracker, EaglePlayer, HippoPlayer, MultiPlayer, or TuneNet. {GREAT WIKI PAGE!!!!}
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Today's Highlights
- Rabbits - Rabbits - Rabbits!
- A few weeks ago I FINALLY mailed out my A4000 & A3640 board out to be recapped and the SIMM sockets replaced. Earlier this week I received an update that initial inspection reveals everything appears to be dead. DOH!! I know it was working when I packed it up and moved it to the garage a few years ago. Is this end of the world? Of course not but hopefully this is just a minor setback.
Amiga News Update
- >> static <<
New Links (15)
- 68040 to 68060 adapter respin with A2000 and Zeus 68040 Accelerator (EAB Thread): A thread over at EAB discussing the GREAT project of a 040 to 060 adapter.
- Motorola 68040 to 68060 adapter (GitHub): This is a 68040 to 68060 adapter. It allows you to physically connect a 68060 CPU to any CPU socket that fits a 68040 CPU, assuming there is enough physical clearance.
- RNOAnim: RNOAnim is a compact animation player that also has some conversion and editing functions. It supports IFF, GIF, and AVI (uncompressed/MJPEG) anims internally, but also allows a wide range of other formats via plugins and datatypes. Features: MUI GUI, Inluded plugins: APNG, FLI/FLC, YAFA, Can save (convert) to: GIF, APNG, and AVI (MJPEG), Can export frames to PNG images, Animations can be resized freely by resizing the window, Several options to alter the playback speed, Animation frames can be added, inserted, or removed, ARexx support and MUCH MORE!!
- RNOComics: RNOComics is a comic book viewer that can open almost any archive file, PDF file, or a directory with unarchived images, and display the images in it in a GUI designed to read comics. Features: Supports CBR, CBZ, CBT, and any other archiving format XAD supports, PDF files, Unarchives images on the fly, no HD space or memory wasted, Read-ahead cache for the next page, Can continue to the next archive file in a directory with a single command, Can open directories with unarchived images and work as an image viewer, ARexx support and TONS more!
- RNOEffects: RNOEffects is a simple image processing program with a focus on good batch conversion options and alpha channel based effects. Features: Around 30 different image processing effects including drop shadows, elliptic crop, and other effects which would need several steps on other similar programs, Drawing options for brushes, text, lines, ellipses, boxes, and arrows, Batch converter and image joiner tools, All effects can be applied to images in a freely selectable order in a batch and MORE! conversion or image joining process, ARexx support and More!
- RNOPDF: RNOPDF is a compact PDF viewer having a minimal GUI with easy control options. It can be handy for quick viewing of PDF files if configured as the default PDF viewer on your operating system. Features: Easy zooming with the mouse, Search text in documents, Supports document bookmarks, Recent files list that also remembers last viewed pages, Preloads the next page for quicker viewing, Can export PNG images in various resolutions, Can export pages as text files, Fullscreen mode option, Rotate options, Keyboard and mouse controllable, Drag & drop loading, ARexx support on Amiga compatible platforms and Hollywood source code included.
- Bit Beam Cannon: BitBeamCannon is a small independent game studio dedicated to making retro arcade and console style games highly inspired by the 8 and 16 bit era of video games. BitBeamCannon was founded by two veteran pixel artists, Michael Parent and Corey Annis. Makers of Metro Siege, Deamon Claw and Cyber Jack. They also produce many types of videos on YouTube covering game development, classic game art reviews, pixel art tutorials, and more. PLus make basic platform gaming engines and art packs.
- Learning 68k assembly – now or never: Wanna learn assembler? Novel was so blown by RamJam's "Corso di Assembler", so he discovered a few more opportunities that 2021 has to offer.
- Amiga-IN Berlin: a monthly Amiga-Club in Berlin: Amiga-IN Berlin. On the last Saturday of every month, a group of about 15 to 30 Amiga enthusiasts gather in a club north-east of Berlin.
- An Interview with Jogeir Liljedahl: An interview with the one of the GREATEST Amiga MOD makers of all times. The interview is written for his work on the C=64 but reguardless it needs to be here. And here is one of the prettiest songe ever!! Jogeir Liljedahl - Guitar Slinger | ProTracker (YouTube)
- Interview with Nosferatu: Making of Chillobits by Offence: With the Amiga demo Chillobits the C64 group Offence surprisingly won the Revision competition in 2020. Here are all details how they did it.
- List of all Amiga Projects on SourceForge: Here's a nice quick link to them. {You're welcome}
- Symphonie (GitHub): Source to 256 channel Amiga music tracker made compilable. Had to add this YouTube video of the Tacker in action. Amiga Music: Thunder Compilation #2
- How does Symphonie Pro actually work?: StackExchange thread about the Symphonie Pro Tracker.
- Symphonie Pro (incl. full Sourcecode) (Aminet): Fantastic Audio Composing Software 256 Physical Audiochannels, 16 Bit Software DSP, 16 Bit Samples. By Patrick Meng.
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Today's Highlights
- A couple of things to mention at the end of the week.
- Look what got updated. "A-EON Technology Ltd is pleased to confirm immediate download available of the Enhancer Software Release 2. This is a major version update representing three years of hard work from the Amiga Developer Team. A digital download edition can be purchased from AmiStore App Store."
- After their first run of Sam460cr boards sold out' ACube are going to manufacture a second batch. Unlike the elusive Tabor these are availavble now. Get one while while you can!
- Can you help Amiga Future with their next 25 years? They are looking to increase the number or editors (print & web), translators and news coverage. Do you have what it takes?
Amiga News Update
- Radio silence.
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Today's Highlights
- Happy Birthday to my Moon and Stars!! 143 me!!
Amiga News Update
- Uuuuhhhhhhh... Hello.... This this your Captain speaking... Uuuuuhhhhhhh..... We're STILL in a holding pattern over lawsuit central...... Uuuuuhhhhhhh.... We have enough fuel to stay in the air for another "two more weeks".... Uuuuuhhhhhhhh.... We'll let you know when it's either time to land this bird or crash and burn.... Uuuuuuhhhhhh.... Have a nice day!
New Links (20)
- GuruNet Review and Install Procedures: In yet another Amiga post, let’s talk about adding networking to an older machine. The “big box” Amiga systems, (2000, 3000, 4000) have the ability to add a Zorro network card. The 600 and 1200 allow for adding a PCMCIA network card, but there are some issues with those (we’ll get to that). But if you have anything else, you’ve been in a much harder task to get some networking. You can use a serial interface and good old PPP/SLiP but instead, we’re going to talk about something else. The PLiP Box and the GuruNet.
- Connecting to an Amiga over a serial port using NComm: I’ve been spending a fair amount of time with the local Commodore nerds restoring my A1200, A2000, and A4000 systems. We’ve also been developing a piece of hardware to connect classic machines via their Serial interface to modern systems called the GuruModem - but I’ll have a lot more about that in some other posts. In the mean time, I wanted to share how to move larger files without the use of physical or virtual floppies: the magic of NComm.
- Procedures for a fresh install on an Amiga with Colanto 3.X ROMs : A nice, detailed write up about the various choices and a walk though of setting up a system using Colanto ROMs, OS 3.1, 3.5 & 3.9 and various tips and tricks.
- Welcome to the website of the Sydney Amiga Users Group!:
SAUG is a meeting point for Amiga, Commodore and other retro computer users in and around Sydney. We aim to provide assistance and better contact between all Amiga and retro computer users within NSW. All are welcome! We meet once a month, please check the next meeting date at the top of this page.
- Welcome to Anthony's Amiga Technical Resource: Amiga schematic archive, Amiga hardware repairs, Amiga hardware reference, A4000 and A3000 technical guides, details of various computer connectors, datasheets & acronyms, Datasheets/Publications, Various Amiga related technical PDFs {and more.}
- Touch Device: This is my attempt to provide AmigaOS4 with an API to handle touch events. API Features: multitouch support (unlimited number of points), simultaneous devices (unlimited number) & extendable support to new devices through drivers.
- Amiga 500 - Papercraft Design: Want your own Amiga 500 and monitor but you can't afford it? Now you can print and fold your own.
- Exec.pl Amiga News: A nice page with current Amiga news and happenings.
- Amiga present and future: interview with Trevor Dickinson: 2019 interview by Exec.pl.
- Everything AMIGA: News, reviews and podcasts.
- Everything AMIGA Podcast: By Amigos Retro Gaming. Do you have memories of all-night gaming sessions, falling asleep at the keyboard? Do you remember the thrill of calling into a local or (if you could intercept the phone bill before your parents saw it) long-distance BBS to chat or "acquire" some new software? Are you still part of the Amiga scene, and keep buying new hardware upgrades as soon as they come out, regardless of cost? Amigos: Everything Amiga is the show for you! Each week, Boat and Aaron run down the latest Amiga community and scene news and review a game chosen by our Patreon Game Selection Committee.
- KDE Amiga themes, Icons and more: Have fun browsing the store for Amiga related content.
- AROS Exec Forum: AROS Exec Recent Forum Topics.
- XAMOS: XAMOS is a cross-platform reimplementation of AMOS BASIC based on jAMOS, fully re-written in C++ with SDL libraries. Currently runtime only, however is widely compatible with jAMOS projects. Features: BASIC-like interpreter based on MequaScript, Rudimentary Amiga-style screen and scrolling engine, From MequaScript: Supports both BASIC-style and C-style syntax (in progress), From MequaScript: Multiple XAMOS programs can be run concurrently, From MequaScript: Supports dynamic types similar to JavaScript, Compatible with jAMOS source files and all non-AMAL jAMOS examples & Native support for AMOS BASIC .abk sprite banks.
- Bootstrapping an Amiga without a bootable Amiga floppy: This article documents usage of this alternative bootstrapping method, and how it works from a technical perspective.
- amigaXfer_1.0.0: This is a Win32 (Windows 7+) build of a new tool for data transfer between an Amiga and another computer using the serial port. No agent required on Amiga's side. It is possible to bootstrap an Amiga for which no bootable disks are available.
- pyamigadebug: Framework for abstracting Amiga debuggers and access to AmigaOS libraries and devices.
- CS-Lab Warp Discord Channel: DiskDoctor invites you to join {The official Discord channel for CS-Labs (The creators of the WARP series of MC68060 accelerators for the A500, 1200 & 3/4000 computers.}
- New Amiga 1200 Cases - When dreams come true!: Kickstarter for newly produced and updated A1200 cases.
- RS232 Serial Wifi Modem for Vintage Computers V3: This is a plug and play solution to get your vintage computer connected to BBSs and MUDs again. It's professionally manufactured on a custom PCB. I am continuing to make improvements to the open source firmware. This device behaves like a Hayes dial up modem. This means that all of your old software which uses a modem can use this device instead!
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Today's Highlights
- Well since the chances of the TABOR arriving this year are growing slimmer by the day, I finally got off my lazy butt and sent my A4000 and A3640 to Acill to have it recapped and the SIMM sockets replaced. He's a VERY BUSY man and I appreciate him taking the time to look at it!! While its out of the state my next task is to focus on the power supply. I think I'm going to try a small ATX power supply and the ATX PSU Power Adapter Cable from AmigaKit. Anyone have any experience with this?
Amiga News Update
- I see it's reported that yesterday 8
more court documents were posted. Since I don't have a Pacer account, I look forward to someone smarter and richer than me telling us if there's anything interesting in them.
New Links (9)
- Commodore Amiga 4000 PSU upgrade/repair: Even though I have already replaced the capacitors in my A4000's PSU.. I just didn't trust it! Oh and the cooling fan was just too noisy! So I thought to myself, bugger it I've got a spare A4000 PSU, I'll convert an ATX PSU and refit it in the it's case. So the first thing I did was find an ATX supply that not only had enough current to supply the A4000, but was smaller then the original case so I knew the PSU PCB will fit the original Amiga PSU case.
- A4000 ATX PSU Power Adapter Cable for Amiga 4000: A4000™ PSU to ATX Converter Cable suitable for Amiga 4000. Use a readily available ATX power supply in your Commodore Amiga 4000 with this high quality converter cable.
- SPI MasterBus CP: An SPI bus controller (Serial Peripheral Interface) designed for the clock port of the Amiga A1200 computer. The SPI MasterBus CP controller allows connecting various peripherals designed for the SPI bus. It provides a possibility of extending A1200‘s capabilities with SD card readers, RTC modules, ethernet controllers, Flash and EEPROM memories, etc.
- KTRL CD32+ Gamepad: The KTRL CD32+ is a replacement controller for the Amiga CD32 with some great added features! It is fully compatible with the original Amiga CD32 controller and can also be used on other Amigas, Commodore computers and other machines supporting Atari style joysticks. You can buy it fully assembled or as a kit that you assemble yourself (thorough assembly instructions are available). The KTRL CD32+ comes in a box with a four page colour instruction booklet and optional stickers for the DPAD and buttons. The kit option comes with all parts you need to build a fully functional controller (also included is the box, instructions and stickers)
- CD32 / Amiga / C= / Atari controller to USB adapter: This small form-factor USB adapter makes it possible to use SEGA Genesis / Mega Drive controllers on your PC (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux), Raspberry PI or MiSTer.
- neptUNO FPGA (EP4CE55, 32MB SDRAM, 2MB SRAM): The neptUNO is a new retro computer clone based on FPGA. The FPGA has 55K cells, between the power of MiST (25K cells) and MiSTer (110K cells). Includes 32MB SDRAM and 2MB SRAM. It has 2 DB9 joystick ports with zero lag, PS/2 keyboard and mouse, EAR input, VGA output, audio out, USB connector for dual protocol keyboards, microSD card, wifi module (ESP8266), on/off switch and power cable. Also it has an expansion connector compatible with ZXDOS+.
- AmigaOS Documentation Wiki: Hyperion's official AmigaOS documentation Wiki.
- The adtools project: Hyperion's official AmigaOS documentation Wiki.This is the Amiga development tools project that host a number of tools that can be used to develop applications for AmigaOS and Amigaoid systems. At the moment only the version for the latest AmigaOS version (4.x) is in a relatively good shape while this is probably not the case for the other systems.
- Timberwolf, an AmigaOS version of Firefox: Looking for the source code for Timberwolf? Look no further.
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Today's Highlights
- Colanto has released new edition of Amiga Forever. Version 9 is the result of more than 2 years of development. Whether you love or hate them it's always good to see it being maintained.
Amiga News Update
- Nothing new to report
New Links (14)
- A4000 Replica Project: Homepage of the Amiga 4000 Replica project.
- Amiga 4000 Replica with Schematics: As many owners of the Amiga 4000 boards know they contain a battery and several electrolytic capacitors which when age and leak cause severe damage to the motherboard. The goal of this fund raiser is to have the original board converted to schematics and Gerber files. This will allow new boards to be manufactured. The schematics will allow future updates and changes to the design of the board for future enhancements or improvements.
- A4000RevB (github): Amiga 4000 Replica project. Based on the A4000 Rev B and funded by Paul Rezendes and the generous contributions of the Amiga Community.
- RetroPassion: Putting the passion back into Reto. A UK retailer and service shop that offers A1200 cases, recapping services and repairs plus other parts for the Amiga.
- Timberwolf (github): Refactor tfrieden/timberwolf to restore commit history.
- llvm-m68k for AmigaOS (github): This is a fork of the unfinished llvm-m68k with the goal of creating a llvm backend generating m68k assembly targeting AmigaOS 3.x. Early WIP.
- Cross-compiling for AmigaOS 3.x: I guess I'm not the only one that doesn't have access to a classic Amiga anymore, but still would like to compile the odd program for it. I setup cross-compilers to do so and thought I should share the experience and binaries I have.
- Cross-compiling for AmigaOS 4.x: This is an unofficial guide to setup cross-compilers for AmigaOS 4.x. This document expects you to have some knowledge of linux or cygwin, as these are the plattforms used in this document.
- Happy Birthday – AmigaWorld wird 20: I'll gladly post a link to any AMIGA site that's been up and running for 20 years! Happy Birthday!!
- Putty Squad: 20 YEARS IN THE MAKING AND 100% FREE – PUTTY SQUAD OUT NOW FOR AMIGA. I am delighted to announce that having worked closely with some of Amiga’s incredibly passionate community, Putty Squad, one of the most memorable platform games of the 90s is finally being released for the Amiga; and it’s available to download now, completely free of charge. Without the help of Phil B-B from the Amiga community, and of course John Twiddy & Phil Thornton, this never would have happened. I would like to thank them all for their hard work.
- Amiga Games That Weren't: Welcome to Amiga Games That Weren't - now part of Amiga Lore! Legend tells of a breed of Amiga games that never crawled out of the primordial development swamp of their early existence. Games that never stood blinking in the sunlight of the gaming world. Games that were never devoured by predators of the Amiga jungle. They are the... Amiga Games That Weren't.
- Amiga PiJoystick: Control your Amiga 9-pin Joystick port with a Raspberry PI.
- Arduino Amiga Floppy Disk Reader (V1): An Arduino powered floppy disk controller and reader for making disk images from old AmigaDOS floppy disks. My Aim: To create a simple, cheap and open source way to recover data from Amiga DD floppy disks from within Windows 10 and other operating systems. My Solution: An Arduino + a Windows application. Why: To preserve data from these disks for the future. Also, a normal PC can't read Amiga disks due to the way they are written.
- Arduino Amiga Floppy Disk Reader/Writer (V2.2): An Arduino powered floppy disk controller and reader/writer for making and writing disk images from and to old AmigaDOS floppy disks. My Aim: To create a simple, cheap and open source way to recover and rewrite data from and to Amiga DD floppy disks from within Windows 10. My Solution: An Arduino sketch + a Windows application (which can be ported to other O/S) that actually works! Why: To preserve data from these disks for the future. Also, a normal PC can't read/write Amiga disks due to the way they are written.
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Today's Highlights
- I'm always happy to see the Amiga hit the front pages of Slashdot. By this time in the story the comments are VERY split between loving nostalgia and callous indifference. Still I'm of the belief that any mainstream news is good news. Right?
- And to cheer things up this is my NEW favorite page! Carl Svensson has a WONDERFUL little page that sums the Little Things That Made Amiga Great. Enjoy!
- **ATTENTION** Amiga.net.pl has changed its domain name to Bitronic.pl. I've updated my bookmarks... Have you?
Amiga News Update
- Nothing new to report
New Links (7)
- Amiga 1200+: This project is a re-implementation of the Amiga 1200 board started from the schematics. I made some changes and enhancements to the original schematics.
- Resurrecting An Amiga 500+: Recently, I was lucky enough to receive a big haul of retro computer gear from a friend who was emptying out his garage. Even better, the haul was almost entirely old Amiga gear — my favorite computing platform of all time. Upon returning home, I gleefully sorted through the boxes, powering things up one by one. Amazingly, everything worked… except for one lonely Amiga 500+. I was greeted by a dull grey screen. This wouldn’t do, so naturally, I got to work.
- Recreating The Amiga 1200 PCB From Pictures: In the past we’ve talked about one of the major downsides of working with vintage computer hardware, which of course is the fact you’re working with vintage computer hardware. The reality is that these machines were never designed to be up and running 20, 30, or even 40-odd years after they were manufactured. Components degrade and fail, and eventually you’re going to need to either find some way to keep your favorite classic computer up and running or relegate it to becoming a display piece on the shelf. If you’re like [John Hertell], you take the former option. Knowing that many an Amiga 1200 has gone to that great retrocomputing museum in the sky due to corroded PCBs, he decided to recreate the design from scans of an unpopulated board. While he was at it, he tacked on a few modern fixes and enhancements, earning his new project the moniker: “Re-Amiga 1200”
- An Incredible ATX Amiga 4000 Motherboard: This board could be considered a modern reincarnation of the Amiga 4000T, which was an official tower version of the standard Amiga 4000 released by Commodore in 1994. It features a 68030 CPU, with 16 MB Fast RAM and 2 MB Chip RAM. For expansion there are four full-length Zorro III slots and three ISA slots, as well as IDE ports for a floppy and hard drive.
- RGB4ALL – composite and s-video module: The RGB4ALL is a universal video converter based on AD724 chip. It takes RGB signal on an input, encodes and outputs it to more convenient Composite video or S-Video sockets which are more often seen in modern TVs. It was tested with Amiga 500/600/1200, Amstrad 464/6128, Neo Geo MVS and other hardware that outputs RGB signal.
- Little Things That Made Amiga Great: A deep dive into a selection of ingenious AmigaOS features. {Should be MANDITORY reading for all newbies}
- The Complete Amiga 500 Vampire V500 V2+ Installation Guide: In this guide I guide you through the installation process of Vampire V500 V2+ card.
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Today's Highlights
- I'm happy to report that my first (2) issues of Amiga Addict arrived from the UK earlier this week. It's a great read and I was very impressed with the quick delivery across the pond. I wish them much success.
- And I see that the Italian market getting a new print magazine called Passione Amiga. I wish them all the best too!
- Congratulations to Kevin Saunders who has won the DiscreeteFX Vampire V4 giveaway.
- And WOW!!! Can't believe I never stumbled upon this before. After doing a little spelunking from a link on Pluritas.com, I stumbled across a treasure trove of documents and (1) video discussing the plans Amiga had to expand its IP. But before I go any further here's a bit on insight on who Pluritas was/is.
"Founded in 2002, Pluritas (www.pluritas.com) is a global IP transaction advisory firm specializing
in divestitures, acquisitions, and mergers where Intellectual Property (IP) is a major component of the transaction."
So back in 2010 they were hired by Amiga Inc to market their IP and further launch Amiga Anywhere. From what I've read it looks like they were really trying to give it a shot. To bad we all know how it turned out.
From their press release
Pluritas, LLC, a leading IP transaction advisory firm, is currently accepting offers to acquire the worldwide rights to the AMIGA trademarks and associated intellectual property. The Amiga computer, launched by Commodore International in 1985, was acclaimed for combining superior multimedia technology with ease of use, creating millions of loyal customers throughout the world. The Amiga community thrives today and has been awaiting the return of the brand that helped revolutionize the computer and gaming industry. The Amiga computer was recently voted the 7th greatest computer and the 37th best tech product of all-time by PC World.
Amiga Inc., who is also actively seeking investment capital to fund the ongoing development of their enabling technologies, holds the intellectual property related to the AMIGA personal computer that was developed and sold by Commodore International and Amiga Corporation, including hardware designs, software, operating systems, trademarks, and other intellectual properties. Bill McEwen, CEO of Amiga states that “we are very excited to be working with Pluritas as Amiga has developed a platform in which a strategic buyer or investor can launch new products and technologies that are game changers for the consumer and industry.”
There are also several documents pertaining to worldwide trademark search results but the (2) that really caught my eye are
- Sale Of Amiga Trademarks And Intellectual Property Assets (A must read!)
- Draft of an Amiga Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) (Intersting)
The best thing I found wasn't a doc but a ~8 min video clip of Bill McEwen on TechTV discussing and demonstrating Amiga Anywhere. It just so happens that the above link for Amiga Anywhere includes that same video too. Found the video twice in one day. Small world.
Amiga News Update
- Still quiet on the Hyperion vs. Colanto except for this tweet found over on Amiga Documents that states Ben has reportedly ended settlement negotiations due to issues with developers. If true I'm sure this isn't going to help lead to a quicker resolution.
New Links (9)
- Amiga Trademarks: A PDF no later than mid 2010 of the current Amiga listed trademarks.
- AMIGANG: If you're a first time visitor, this site is dedicated to covering all the information on the next generation of Amiga computer and operating systems.
- AmigaPython: Python is developed mainly for the Unix platform. Because the full source code is available, ports to many other platforms exist nowadays. These include Macintosh, Windows and AmigaOS of course! AmigaPython is the Python version for AmigaOS. Not only is it largely compatible with the 'mainstream' Unix Python version, but it is also a real Amiga program by adding some exciting Amiga features to it.
- AmiLion 1.0: Features Windows & Raspberry Pi App for Amikit XE 12 Quick Rabbit Hole Apps 32 Internet Links to Popular & Useful Web Site.
- Introducing “Django”, a cheap and compact PowerPC motherboard project: In this post I would like to introduce you to a project I am currently working on: the “Django” PowerPC motherboard. My goal is to publish the schematics of the board as fully Open Source Hardware, enabling anyone interested in having a cheap and compact PowerPC computer for use as a desktop development platform.
- Vamos: Vamos is a tool that allows to run AmigaOS m68k binaries directly on your Mac. It emulates the AmigaOS by providing implementations for some functions of the Exec and DOS library. It will run typical console binaries that do not rely on user interface (intuition) or graphics stuff. Its main focus is to run old compilers and assemblers to have some sort of “cross” compilers. This approach will not run any applications or games using direct hardware register access – for this a machine emulator like P-UAE is the tool you will need...
- New Apollo 1240/40 cooling system: My "Frankenstein" Apollo 1240 accelerator needed some decent cooling, so I built something.
- Demoscene: The Amiga Years, Volume 1: A good review of the book.
- rdbtool: The rdbtool is a tool from the amitools tool set that allows to inspect or create hard disk partitions readable by the classic Amiga family of computers. The RDB or Rigid Disk Block is a format to describe the first blocks of a hard disk that store information of partitions and file systems used in the partitions.
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Today's Highlights
- More links on the front page and some work done on the back end.
Latest News
- Interesting... I see that Amiga-News.de is reporting that Timothy de Groote no longer a director at Hyperion. So what does that mean? To be honest I'm not exactly sure. Is Hyperion close to throwing in the towel? Is Ben Hermans going to double down and never give in? Will Hyperion be getting someone to replace him? Is this all over in two more weeks? Stand by for the next episode of "How the dumpster burns".
-An just incase anyone missed this Tynemouth Software Tindie store is closed until the further notice.
New Links (15)
- SDBox: A small device that you can plug into your Amiga's parallel port and get access to a sd-card formatted with e.g. a windows FAT file system. It uses an Arduino Nano V3 and a common cheap MicroSD Card Adapter that has a voltage level shifter on board.
- LL530 - Amiga Keyboard and Controller USB widget: This allows you to connect Commodore and Atari controllers, and Amiga keyboards to your RasPi or Desktop computer, for emulation & gaming.
- API2: Our framework called API2 can be used with both the C language and our new language. To illustrate how much easier and faster it is to program using our framework, below are two C programs doing exactly the same, wait one second and then display the words "Time is up!". The one on the left uses API2, the one on the right uses only the standard functions provided by AmigaOS.
- Amiga-Stuff: Currently available on this website are: PD Index, Hardware info, Crunchers, Archivers, FileSystems, Virus, Mod-packers, Demos, Amiga and CD³² Game Music on Audio CDs, Commodore Techtopics, Books, For sale and more!
- Son of Transputer powers new Amiga box: There was only one place to be for Amiga enthusiasts this weekend: a tent at Bletchley Park. Saturday saw the unveiling of the first dedicated Amiga box for some time, in the shape an unusual and technically advanced system that maintains the Amiga's bleeding edge reputation. The AmigaOne X1000 is a custom dual core PowerPC board with plenty of modern ports and I/O interfaces.
- Amiga 1000: un prototipo (Spanish): Small write up about the first Amiga.
- OpenAmiga500FastRamExpansion: 4/8 MB Fast RAM Expansion for the Commodore Amiga 500.
- OpenAmiga600FastRamExpansion: 4/8 MB Fast RAM Expansion for the Commodore Amiga 600.
- A4000 Daughterboard KIT: This is a kit to build a A4000 Daughterboard. This daughterboard was designed from ground using 4 layers and also adding some features, like VGA Output, independent clock for graphics cards. Also all the components are SMD.
- Starring the Computer: a website dedicated to the use of computers in film and television. Each appearance is catalogued and rated on its importance (ie. how important it is to the plot), realism (how close its appearance and capabilities are to the real thing) and visibility (how good a look does one get of it). Fictional computers don't count (unless they are built out of bits of real computer), so no HAL9000 - sorry.
- A-EON Talks About The Future of The Amiga Platform: Another triple reply thread over at Slashot.
- Backups on the Amiga X5000: Experiences of performing backups on a X5000.
- A guide to repairing the Amiga real time clock circuit: This section will cover how to diagnose and repair common faults with the RTC circuit, as well as other common problems caused by a leaking battery. PLEASE NOTE that this information is specifically for the A4000D, but the theory and repair notes can also be applied to other models.
- Planet m68k: News around Motorola 680x0 CPU computer systems.
- AmiSSL: AmiSSL is an Amiga port of OpenSSL. It is a library that makes it possible for Amiga programmers to write programs that use SSL (for example, web browser authors would use it to add support for HTTPS protocol).
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Today's Highlights
- Always surprised when I discover a GREAT website such as AMIGAOS. Check it out and you'll know what I mean.
Latest News
- On 16 Feb there was news that the trademark name AMIGA has been obtained by Colanto Corporation. What does this mean going forward? I know there are people who are dead set against them and even plan on leaving the scene. I, on the otherhand, tend to think a consolidation of the Amiga IP can be a positive thing. Honestly how could things get any worse? Now lets all hope more good news is just around the next proverbial "two week" corner.
New Links (26)
- Amiga OS :: multimedia, multi-threaded, multi-tasking: Welcome to the (unofficial) AmigaOS Support Homepage. On this page you will find all important information and updates for the AmigaOS 3.1, 3.5 and 3.9 for your Amiga computer.
- The A1100 Project: A replacement MB designed to fit in the original case. Features: 020 @ 14Mhz, 64MB Ram, can use either A1000 or A1200 expansion cards, flicker fixer, serial & parallel ports, IDE, VGA, RCA color composite and more! Incredible project!!
- DTML Lemmings: Hi! Welcome to DHTML Lemmings! This is a remake of Lemmings all written in javascript. You will be needing a modern browser and a fairly fast PC to play this game. IE5.5+ pr a recent Mozilla / Opera version and a 500+ Mhz processor should do, but more power is better :)
- Amiga Now Includes HDMI By Way Of A Raspberry Pi Daughterboard: If you had an Amiga during the 16-bit home computer era it’s possible that alongside the games and a bit of audio sampling you had selected it because of its impressive video capabilities. In its heyday the Amiga produced broadcast-quality graphics that could even be seen on more than a few TV shows from the late 1980s and early 1990s. It’s fair to say though that the world of TV has moved on since the era of Guru Meditation, and an SD video signal just won’t cut it anymore. With HDMI as today’s connectivity standard, [c0pperdragon] is here to help by way of a handy HDMI upgrade that taps into the digital signals direct from the Amiga’s Denise chip.
- Retrocomputing Spray Paints: Amiga Beige, Commodore, And ATARI Grey: [retrohax] has provided vintage computer guidance for years, and part of that guidance is this: sometimes using paint as part of restoration is simply unavoidable. But the days of tediously color-matching to vintage hardware are gone, thanks to [retrohax] offering custom-mixed spray paints in Amiga 500 Beige, C-64 Beige, and ATARI ST/SE Grey. (At the moment only delivery within Poland is available due to shipping restrictions, but [retrohax] is working on a better solution.)
- An Amiga Sampler 30 Years Later: There was a magic moment for a few years around the end of the 1980s, when home computers were better than professional ones. That’s a mighty grand pronouncement, but it refers to the crop of 16-bit home computers that genuinely were far better than nearly all PCs at the time for multimedia tasks. You could plug a sampler cartridge into your Amiga and be in the dance charts in no time, something which sparked a boom in electronic music creativity. As retrocomputing interest has soared so have the prices of old hardware, and for those still making Amiga music that cart can now be outrageously expensive. it’s something [echolevel] has addressed, with an open-source recreation of an Amiga sampler.
- Why You (Probably) Won’t Be Building A Replica Amiga Anytime Soon: An informative write up of why building a replica Amiga is harder than it sounds.
- Doom Clone Shows What An Alternate-Reality Amiga Could’ve Had: Can you run Doom on the Amiga? No, not really, and arguably that was one of the causes for the computer’s demise in the mid-90s as it failed to catch up on the FPS craze of the PC world. [Krzysztof Kluczek] of the Altair demogroup has managed not exactly to remedy that status with the original article, but to show us how a potential contender could’ve been designed for the unexpanded Amiga hardware back in the day.
- The Amiga 1000, Still Receiving New Peripherals 35 Years Later: In the world of retrocomputing it’s the earliest models that garner the most interest, usually either due to their rarity, or sometimes just because of their flaws. The Commodore Amiga 1000 is a case in point, it was the machine everybody wanted but its A500 home computer sibling made the Amiga a success story. Peripherals for the 500 are plentiful then, while those for the 1000 remain a rarity. Thus it’s a treat to see an A1000 peripheral appear in the present day, in the form of a memory, clock, and SD card expansion called the Parciero. It packs 8Mb of SRAM to give the Amiga some truly quick fast memory, something that would have used an eye-wateringly expensive brace of chips back in the day but now has just a single package.
- Building Replica Amigas To Preserve Digital Artwork: A few years back, the Andy Warhol Museum ran into an unusual problem. They wanted to display digital pieces the pop artist created on his Amiga 1000 back in the 1980s, but putting the vintage computers on the floor and letting the public poke around on them wasn’t really an option. So the team at [Iontank] were tasked with creating an interactive display that looked like a real Amiga, but used all modern technology under the hood.
- Jay Miner Interview Pasadena, September 1992: A very well done interview with Jay Miner.
- Amiga Unix Wiki: This site is dedicated on preserving Amix's history and sharing information and instructions on what Amix is, how to install it (either on real hardware or in emulation) and what can you do with it. Mainly, it tries to cater to people who wish to run AMIX for whatever reason on their hardware. By documenting experiences with it, it is hoped that subsequent SVR4 junkies will find the way more smooth than it might have been without any guidance at all.
- Project Horizon: A fun looking "Commando" type game but on the moon. Really well done.
- Ermentrud – Das Spiel: Unfinished adventure game for AmigaOS 3. It was developed with the Inga engine. You can find a demo on Aminet. Most of the backgrounds were colorized by Jan Heinemann and the story was written by Johannes Conrady.
- Inga – Adventure Game Engine: Inga stands for Inutilis Graphic Adventure and it is an engine for adventure games including development tools. Download from Aminet. Further development was canceled. The engine was originally created for the never finished game “Ermentrud”.
- FAQ about the 4GB problem: An in depth article on Amiga file system 4GB limit and several ways to attempt circumvent it. A MUST READ!
- Vampire Italia - Forum dedicato ad Amiga e Vampire (Italian): An impressive looking Italian Vampire forum.
- FAQ about the 4GB problem: An in depth article on Amiga file system 4GB limit and several ways to attempt circumvent it. A MUST READ!
- CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures: The official page cataloging CVE issues tagged specifically for the Amiga. Currently we have (4) while micorsoft has (6191). Security through Obscurity for the win!! HA HA!
- Amiga Ireland: We have reserved our venue again for our seventh annual event in January 2022. We will wait for pandemic restrictions on indoor gatherings to be lifted before putting tickets on sale. Retro lovers unite for a not-for-profit, friendly annual meeting of enthusiasts of Amiga, Commodore and life in general. Active since 2015, we meet every January and anyone can book a ticket. Read on to learn more about a typical event...
- AmigaOS 3.5 Manual: All 5 manuals (Installation, Workbench, Harddisk, AmigaDOS & ARexx) in HTML form.
- AmigaOS 3.9 Manual: All 5 manuals (Installation, Workbench, Harddisk, AmigaDOS & ARexx) in HTML form.
- Sam440ep: Main ACube systems page for the Sam440ep.
- Sam440ep-Flex: Main ACube systems page for the Sam440ep-Flex.
- BYTECellar Category Archives: Amiga: One of the BEST sites on the web for vintage computing and here's their Amiga articles.
- aMiGa=poWeR (French): Since 1998 one of the last of the printed Amiga magazines still hanging around. If you can read French you're in luck!
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Today's Highlights
- Nothing to earth shattering but I'm always inspired when I see all the projects to get a classic Amiga to use HDMI, a screenshot of Python3.8 for AmigaOS4, plus an AWESOME thread over at EAB discussing how a coder shows possible way in which some elements of Street Fighter 2 might be possible. We're not dead yet!
Latest News
- All's quiet on the western front.
New Links (31)
- NUEVO Amiga A1100 (Placa base) (Spanish): A thread over at RetroWiki discussing a new motherboard replacement for the A1000. 020 @14Mhz, OCS/ECS compatible, 64MB, IDE, supports 2 Kickstart Roms, Flickerfixer and Scan Doubler, (2) Expansion ports: A1000 (86 pin) & A1200 (150 pin), ATX power supply & A1200 Clockport. Google translation
- GoShell: GoShell is free and easy tool to open Shell terminal in fullscreen on separate screen.
- The Maestrix: Maestix MaestroPro driver simulator that redirects audio to AHI. Now what is a MaestrixPro? Glad you asked. It was a 16 bit digital audio recorder created by MacroSystems back in 1993.
- RGBtoHDMI: Bare-metal Raspberry Pi project that provides pixel-perfect sampling of BBC Micro video and conversion to HDMI.
- Amiga-Digital-Video: Add a digital video port to vintage Amiga machines.
- Amiga Now Includes HDMI By Way Of A Raspberry Pi Daughterboard: If you had an Amiga during the 16-bit home computer era it’s possible that alongside the games and a bit of audio sampling you had selected it because of its impressive video capabilities. In its heyday the Amiga produced broadcast-quality graphics that could even be seen on more than a few TV shows from the late 1980s and early 1990s. It’s fair to say though that the world of TV has moved on since the era of Guru Meditation, and an SD video signal just won’t cut it anymore. With HDMI as today’s connectivity standard, [c0pperdragon] is here to help by way of a handy HDMI upgrade that taps into the digital signals direct from the Amiga’s Denise chip.
- Excellent RGB to HDMI adapter for OCS and ECS Amiga is out: Looking for an HDMI solution for your Classic OCS or ECS Amiga? Don’t want to use lots of money on it? Then look no further. This RGBtoHDMI adapter for your Amiga is what you need. Amiga community never stops to amaze me!
- Dennis RGB to HDMI Adapter for Amiga 500 with Raspberry Pi Zero: A Dennis chip adapter to give your Amiga HDMI output. Check project documentation for details and BOM. Thanks to project owners (c0pperdragon and hoglet67) for this awesome work. This is V2 board. 2 Layers PCB 62.2 x 26.7 mm FR-4, 1.6 mm, 1, HASL with lead, Red Solder Mask, White silkscreen. Add pixel-perfect HDMI output to the Amiga machines.
- RGB to HDMI: The RGBtoHDMI interface converts the "digital" RGB video signal from vintage computers like the BBC Micro or PC MDA/CGA/EGA to HDMI or DVI compatible with most modern TVs/Monitors. The interface comprises a Raspberry Pi Zero and a specially designed Hat containing a small CPLD. Custom firmware on the Raspberry Pi, in conjunction with the CPLD, is able to correctly sample each of the supported video modes to give a pixel-perfect rendition. The HDMI output is locked to the input so there are no frame drops, repeats or tears and it also has low lag of around 4 milliseconds (less than a quarter of a frame).
- D520 Amiga Converter Plug & Play (German): Analogue video signals of the Amiga classic into digital video signals. No modification of the Amiga required: plug it into the DB23 video port of any Amiga Classic.
- Patreon: Michal Schultz: I don't normally post links for individual fan based support but MIchals support for AROS alone is worth it.
- AROS fork by Michal Schultz: Main AROS repository for active development. Contains the main Operating System components and Build System.
- AGNEA: Amiga Group in Northeastern America: The Amiga Group in Northeastern America (AGNEA) is for all Amigans, in particular those living on Northeastern America (Ontario, Québec, New York State…).
- AClub Amiga Québec: Facebook page the the club.
- Antiryad Gx (AGX): Antiryad Gx is an unified cross platform and multi core 2d and 3d game engine. In development since 1992, Antiryad Gx today rivals and even surpasses many commercial game engines in feature set, optimization and stability. Versions for A68k, MorphOS, AROS and are available from within the main package download.
- Antiryad GX: {A nice little overview} Overview of AGX showing the Amiga port.
- Ambermoon: Resources for the incredible Amiga game Ambermoon.
- Amberworld: File format information. I'm bringing the file format information pages back online, hoping to encourage people to share their findings, too.
- WinFellow - Amiga Emulator for Windows: WinFellow is a high performance Amiga Emulator primarily targeted for Windows. It's distinguished API and core does however allow a fairly easy port to other OS.
- CLib2 - An ISO 'C' (1994) compliant runtime library for AmigaOS: This is my attempt to get Samba 2.2.x ported to the Amiga. My first Amiga port required SAS/C and a number of strange tricks had to be pulled to get it to support the kind of environment Samba needed. But with the introduction of Samba 2.2.x many of those tricks did not work any more, which is why I decided to attack the problem at the root, namely the runtime library.
- NWAG: North West Amiga Group: Was founded in late 2015 as a reaction to the renewed levels of enthusiasm centred around the Amiga computer. Set up as a point of contact and meeting point for all enthusiastic Amiga supporters and users throughout the North West, the group is aimed at all levels of Amiga user, from the gamer, to the creative musician, the image editor, the Workbench-whizz or the re-capper!
- WookieChat: An IRC client for AmigaOS.
- Firmware Sources for MNT ZZ9000 Amiga Graphics/Coprocessor Card: MNT ZZ9000 is a graphics and ARM coprocessor card for Amiga computers equipped with Zorro slots. It is based on a Xilinx ZYNQ Z-7020 chip that combines 7-series FPGA fabric with dual ARM Cortex-A9 CPUs clocked at 666MHz. The current version has 1GB of DDR3 RAM and no eMMC soldered. This repository contains the sources for the FPGA logic as well as the miniature "operating system" that runs on the ARM core 0 and instruments core 1 for user applications.
- Rack mount Amiga 1200: A story about a custom rack mount A1200 Pointboots purchased off of ebay.
- A1k SimpleClock: A neat RTC for the Amiga 500 and Amiga 1000 Computer.
- Lorraine (translated): The Lorraine is a prototype computer created by the Californian company Amiga Inc. It was the prototype of the Amiga 1000. {LOTS and LOTS of pictures of the original prototype}
- Great file manager Guide for Classic and Nextgen Amiga: A very well written article over at Amitopia about the different file managers available.
- AmiDock: The Original 1-Click Application Dock for Amiga: A very well written article over at Amigalove about the history of Amidock. Lots of pictures and videos.
- Looking Back on 35 Years as an Amiga User: Thirty five years ago I became an Amiga user. One of the first, actually. This is a meandering and reminiscent post of sorts, written to mark the Amiga’s 35th birthday and the 35 years I have known and loved the system.
- It Was Always The “Amiga 1000”: I have written a number of posts over the years about the Amiga 1000 computer, the first model in the Amiga line, which was released by Commodore in late 1985. I purchased my first Amiga 1000 in October 1985 from Chaney Computer in Newport News, VA (and I have reason to believe it was the first Amiga sold in the state).
- Manuals from the "AmigaOS3.5" and the "OS3.5 - Developer v2.1" CD: AmigaOS3.5 Manual, AmigaOS3.9 Manual, AmigaMail Volume 2, Hardware Manual, Libraries Manual, Devices Manual, Includes and Autodocs 2.0 & Includes and Autodocs 3.5.
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Today's Highlights
- I've been meaning to update the page for the last two weeks or so but I got caught up thinking "It's the new year. There's no rush". Now I look at the calendar and it's February already?!? Holy cow! Where did January go? Time to pick up the pace again!
Latest News
- The only interesting tidbit of news I read was a post thread at AmigaWolrd about a Settlement and extension of court dates in the ongoing saga of Amiga IP ownership. As pointed out in the court docs was a line that read
"The Parties resumed settlement discussions to resolve all of the matters between them in October 2020. On Thursday of last week, the Parties reached the terms of settlement on the main agreement. The only tasks that need to be completed are for the Parties to attend to seven ancillary documents, including an assignment and novation agreement, mutual releases, stipulations of dismissal, and documents related to a proceeding in Belgium. In addition, Hyperion requires additional time to confer on one point with counsel in Delaware regarding a security interest. The additional time requested will enable the Parties to focus exclusively on finalizing documents and following through with the settlement."
Is this a reason to get excited? Nope. Just another document to be added to the pile. Better luck next time...
New Links (18)
- Amiga Telecom: {Yes I know this has NOTHING to do with the Amiga specifically but at least ir proves SOMEOME can have a successful business with AMIGA in the name} Amiga is a leading Austrian Telecommunication Provider focusing on landline phone calls and on international phone calls by mobile phones.
- MiSS FPGA: FPGA Board designed to fit inside a Commodore A500 case. Uses the original A500 keyboard as input device! Runs MiST FPGA firmware and it is compatible with all MiST cores. Can run as Amiga (OCS, ECS, AGA), Atari ST/STE/Mega, MSX2+, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, Atari 800, Sega Megradrive, NES, Sega Master System and many more.
- Commodore-Eng: The newly resurrected Commodore founds a new companys branch named Commodore Engineering with other young Italian entrepreneurs, Luigi Simonetti as General Manager, Stefano Cianfanelli as Development Manager and Giovanni Celauro as Sales Manager: made up of only highly skilled national staff, it presents itself as a leading research and development body in the electronics and computer engineering sector and is invested with the honor and the burden of realizing the hardware relaunch and starting the software development process.
- Commodore Company: Welcome to the official Commodore Company website. Our goal is to renew the Commodore brand and place in the market as this glorious name deserves, by producing awesome devices at fair prices. We’re not here only to look with nostalgia at the past of the first Commodore company that everyone has known in the 80s. We’re here to manage this totally new group and brand towards a completely unexpected future.
- How to Emulate a Commodore Amiga on Your PC: Want to play 16-bit games from the classic Amiga computer? Here's how use an Amiga emulator on any PC or Mac.
- Tech pioneer is Business Person of the Year. Tundra chief executive learned hard lessons with Commodore Computers (Web Archive): Remember the Amiga? Many people faintly recall a quaint early personal computer that fell under the juggernaut of Microsoft and Intel.
But Adam Chowaniec, named Business Person of the Year last night by the Ottawa Board of Trade, has no trouble remembering a product many enthusiasts still believe was the best on the market.
- What the Amiga Pioneers Are Doing Now: An old Slashdot thread about creators on the Amiga.
- AROS (WikiBooks): The VERY detailed entry at WikiBooks with TONS of support pages and info.
- The mysterious sales numbers of Commodore computers: A GREAT thread over at AmigaLove attempting to breakdown the true numbers of Commodore computers sold.
- PiStorm: A replacement ARM based 68K processor for the A500 built upon a Raspberry Pi.
- The Buffy Accelerator: The Buffy Accelerator, so named because of it’s Vampire killing ability, is a zero-FPGA, zero-CPLD, pure-CPU accelerator for the Amiga Computer. It is designed to fit inline with a 64 DIP socket and should be compatible with the Amiga 500, 1000, 2000 and CDTV. It’s based on the amazing Octavo OSD335x System-in-Package which hosts a 1GHz ARM Cortex-A8 processor (about 2000 MIPS), 512MB or 1GB of DDR3 memory as well as various peripherals. It runs PJIT from a small eXecute-in-Place (XiP) Flash ROM and is not designed to run and general purpose operating system itself.
- Buffee Accelerator: Buffee is a Dual-Inline-Packaged Motorola 68000 accelerator based on the Octavo OSD335x-SM available with 512MB or 1GB of integrated SDRAM and capable of providing (at least) 68040 400MHz level of performance. The firmware side of this can be found on github here: nonarkitten / pseudo-jit
- The Buffy Accelerator Pseudo JIT: PJIT is part of the Buffee Project. PJIT is a real-time version of JIT that avoids the traditional issues of dynamic memory allocation and non-determinism. It is designed to run as a bare metal process on ARM microprocessors operating in big endian mode to provide transparent access to a traditional 68K bus. It is useable with ARM SoC that integrate only a modest (by today's standards) amount of memory.
- Amiga 2000 A314 Adapter: The A314 project provides a Raspberry Pi expansion to the Amiga 500 through the trapdoor expansion. Much of the 'magic' is being able to transparently access chip RAM without interfering with the performance of the Amiga itself. However, the Amiga 500 is also the ONLY Amiga model to feature this peculiar expansion interface. This board will add a standard 56-pin "trapdoor" interface to the Amiga 2000 and Amiga 1000 equipped with a Rejuvenator.
- ScanPlus AGA for Amiga 1200 - 4000D: {Just in case someone else is looking for this same thing} For connecting on a flat VGA monitor, Natives Amiga resolutions supported (PAL, NTSC, DblPAL, DblNTSC, Euro 36 / 72, Super 72, Multiscan), Connected on Alice and Lisa chips, VGA backplate included, simple DPMS screensaver utility included.
- Soft3[dev]: Retailers of Amiga, Minimig and other retro computing hard/software.
- Soft3[dev] U-Boot page: Here you'll find various U-Boot versions developed for the Sam4x0 motherboards family from ACube Systems SRL. If you need to develop or adapt U-Boot boot loader for any PPC 4x0 based board, contact us to receive a quote.
- Belgian Amiga Club: Welcome to our website! As you can see, we chose English as the main language for this website, because it is cumbersome to maintain it in all 3 official Belgian languages. Also, we can safely assume that the Belgian Amigan is quite proficient in the English language, since most of us used to buy or read English Amiga magazines, back in the day.
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Today's Highlights
- This year will be the year the website **FINALLY** leaves BETA status (LOL) but until then here are latest NEWS links to keep an eye on.
Latest News
- Hotfix for AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 2 available for download: Some users of update 2 for AmigaOS4.1 Final Edition have experienced stability issues after updating. This hotfix addresses these stability issues and fixes a couple of other minor issues found after the release of update 2. The hot fix is free to registered users of AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition and can be found in the download area at Hyperion Entertainment will also be made available via AmiUpdate. The hotfix should only be applied on top of the original update 2 package released on December 23,2020!
New Links (6)
- Twitter: Official AmigaOS: This twitter account is currently connected to the official facebook page ★ All opinions expressed are solely those of the AmigaOS Facebook team.
- Inviyya: A horizontal SHMUP for the line of classic Commodore Amiga computers, Inviyya will feature 6 unique organic levels each with its own enemies and bosses, couple of special weapons, 3 layer parallax scrolling and nice music and sfx. Should work on every existing Amiga with at least 512k Chip and any other form of 512kb extra RAM (chip, slow or fast), PAL or NTSC ( for NTSC I recommend some slight acceleration above standard 7mhz 68K. Game is playable as it is, but it will look smoother in a couple of situations with a bit extra oomph.).
- Amiga Parceiro: New device that provides the following features: 8MB of Autoconfig Fast RAM. It is a single 8MB of SRAM versus DRAM, so it really and truly is indeed fast with zero wait states, Coin-cell battery backed Real Time Clock (RTC), which comes with its own clock software that gets put into your startup sequence & SD Card Reader with 2GB MicroSD. It comes pre-formatted with the FAT32 file system and is readable on any PC as a result. This way you can quickly set up your new SD-based hard drive.This twitter account is currently connected to the official facebook page ★ All opinions expressed are solely those of the AmigaOS Facebook team.
- Twitter: Hyperion Entertainment CVBA: The creators of AmigaOS
- The World's Fastest Endian: **GREAT** article that fully explains **EVERYTHING** about Endians> Hint... Motorola uses BIG Endian... Intel and Arm uses Little Edian.
- Old School Game Blog: Amiga enthusiasm, retro gaming passion. **A MUST VIST SITE EVERY DAY!!!**
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Today's Highlights
- Holy crap... We MADE it!! If this year is only HALF as bad as last year I'll call it a win!!
 Wishing everyone a safe and productive New Year from the whole AmigaSource family.
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About This is from 7 Jan 2002. Not much has changed since then...
You can contact me at webmaster@amigasource.com
Logo Copyright 2002.
Amiga is a registered trademark.
Site Copyright 2025, Scott A. Pistorino
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