Since 2001... Your BEST source for Amiga information... Again
(Note: Current results from the old database. Until I can finish adding all the NEW links in to the database, I HIGHLY recommend opening all the previous years (2024 and back) and using CRTL-F to search each page too. Sorry...
22 Feb 25: Boozedrome - Winter Edition 2025, YouTube, Earth
12 Apr 25: LA Maker Faire + City of STEM Festival - Classic Los Angeles Computers! (CLAC!), Los Angeles, CA, US
18-21 Apr 25: Revision, Saarbrücken, DE
26-27 Apr 25: The Commodore Los Angeles Super Show, Burbank, CA, USA
Late Summer 25: Amiga 40th, The Heart of Silicon Valley, CA, US
11-14 Sep 25: Classic Computing 2025, Kulmbacher, DE
18-19 Oct 25: Amiga 40, Mönchengladbach, DE
Big Shops and Vendors
(caveat emptor)
Repair & Recap
(caveat emptor)
Today's Highlights
- Greetings and salutations everyone! Glad to see Retro Computer Museum located in the heart of Leicestershire has been able to stabilize the situation and reopen their doors again after sustaining terrible flood damage last month. A lot of work still remains but they are making progress. Great job everyone!
- Now onto something that has been a long time coming. Our first full review of the Kickstarter Checkmate Retro Monitor. Overall the review was positive. There were a few issues but I believe they could be attributed to the uniqueness of the product and the BROAD range of systems it's trying to cover. Bottom line is if your looking for a single monitor to cover *all* your retro needs this one comes pretty darn close!
Interesting... Keep an eye on
- I just LOVE when the Amiga pop ups in the main stream media and it's happened again. Free Software Foundation is going to auction off original GNU drawings, awards and an Amiga 3000UX that was used in the FSF's old office at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the early days of GNU, when these machines were capable of running a GNU-like operating system.
Two good comments I've read. (And I paraphrase...) "Funny that a computer so mired in the depths of lawsuits over an operating system was there at the beginning of the FSF" and "I hope they took out the battery". LOL
- Obligement has conducted a really good interview with Simon Neumann of Alinea Computer and one of the partners of Look Behind You Verlag. Lots of good insight but one interesting takeaway was the fact that they weren't Amiga OS 3.2 Reference Manual "currently not satisfied with the sales figures." Personally I think EVERY NEW Amiga sold should come with a copy!
Amiga Legal News Update
- I wonder if everyone at Hyperion is just taking a looooooooooog lunch?
Today's Theme
- Random Links...
New Links (15) YTD (105)
- Checkmate Retro Monitor: {A full review of the Checkmate Retro Monitor}
- Pistorm32-Lite {Wiki}: The PiStorm32-Lite is an accelerator for the Commodore Amiga 1200 computer. It has been created by Claude Schwarz. This speeds up the Amiga 1200 by leveraging the Raspberry Pi's computational power. The Raspberry Pi plugs into the PiStorm and emulates the native 680x0 CPU at much higher performance than the original CPU. The Raspberry Pi is running software emulation of the 680x0 CPU using Emu68 developed by Michal Schulz.
- Interview on the occasion of version 1.0 of AmiModRadio: Shortly before Christmas - after years of almost asymptotically approaching this version number - AmiModRadio 1.0 was released. Reason enough for us to ask its programmer 'Tygre' for an interview.
- Q&As with: Michael Haire – Former Art Director at Microprose: Michael Haire worked on classics such as Sid Meier’s Pirates!, Civilization and Alpha Centauri. {...} Here, he worked on a number of games that are now considered classics, including Sid Meier’s Pirates! and Sid Meier’s Civilization. We had the pleasure of interviewing Michael Haire about his experience as an artist in the games industry.
- Amateursoftwaregroup: Creating software for the amiga environment for the fun of it. {Makers of: Music Tagger - The id3 tagger, supports v1 and v2 tags, CDIRIP - This is the linux port of CDIrip-0.6.3 written by DeXT/Lawrence Williams, AirScan - AirScan is an Amiga scanner utility based on the ESCL protocol & AirPrint - A printer utility based on ipp protocol.
- KickSmash32: Dual Kickstart ROM replacement for Amiga 3000/4000/4000T with in-system programming and other features
- Amiga Animations: Commodore Amiga computers were produced from 1985 until 1994. During the heights of its time Amiga was the leading home computer of western Europe. Models were created in a high-end workstation line, Amiga 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000, and a low-end home line, Amiga 500, 600 and 1200. All models used processors of the Motorola 68000 family, had video and audio chip sets (co-processors), and a graphical operating system with preemptive multitasking and a 32-bit address space.
- The History of the Amiga: {A detailed month my month list of happenings in the Amiga from 1982 - 1997. Only with there was more!}
- The eframe. A digital picture frame project based on the Efika: I am building a digital picture frame based on the Efika PowerPC mini mainboard with additional value and a classic design
- Sign in The Greatest Video Game Tech Demo Ever : {youtube} Shadow of the Beast was a groundbreaking achievement in video games. In 1989 the concept of multi-layer parallax scrolling, and 120+ colors on screen running on a stock Amiga at 7mhz was unheard of. And yet Psygnosis and Reflections made it possible. As a game - Shadow of the Beast was a disappointment, but as a tech demo? It's one of the greatest ever made. In this episode we take a deep dive into the graphics of Shadow of the Beast.
- One of the weirdest names for an error message, but what is a Guru Meditation?: Probably all Amiga owners have seen the guru at one time or another. It is analogous to the Blue Screen Of Death in Microsoft Windows, and later used as an error message elsewhere, such as Varnish, a reverse proxy and HTTP accelerator, and VirtualBox, a Hypervisor environment. But what does it really mean for your computer friend?
- TALKING WITH JAY GLENN MINER (1932 - 1994): The name badge says it all, Jay Miner, VIP, Father of the Amiga. During my recent jaunt to the A4000 launch in Los Angeles, I was lucky enough to meet and talk to Jay as he cast his fatherly eye over the next generation of the architecture he created all those years ago. We talked and ate as he reiterated the fascinating history of the secret project that resulted in the birth of a remarkable machine, which has survived mainly because of his foresight and supreme effort.
- MiSTer FPGA Forum: The online community for MiSTer FPGA enthusiasts
- Welcome to the MiSTer wiki!: What is it? MiSTer is an open project that aims to recreate various classic computers, game consoles and arcade machines, using modern hardware. It allows software and game images to run as they would on original hardware, using peripherals such as mice, keyboards, joysticks and other game controllers.
- An FPPGA based Amiga – The Minimig: An FPGA-based implementation of the original Commodore Amiga 500 hardware is known as Minimig (or MiniAmiga). Minimig is now available for download as an open-source / open-hardware design with a single 12x12cm PCB with project and assembly instructions published under the GNU public license. {...} This document is my attempt to consolidate the very disperse documentation about the minimig and offer a concise guide if you want to build a board. Most of the websites that hosted files required are also offline currently. So I’m building a GitHub repository at
Today's Highlights
- Greetings and salutations everyone! This week I finally decided to create a side bar for Amiga Legal information. My first and go to link for historically accurate information was Amiga Documents. No finer resource can be found documenting all the details but as I started to search for others nothing really came up.
Yes I know over the years there has been hundreds and hundreds of threads and individual postings but no other definitive source time-lining the whole story. It would appear the site has been inactive for the past few months but in all fairness there hasn't been a lot of really news lately. Personally I'm quite confident we will be seeing more updates in the near future.
Interesting... Keep an eye on
Amiga Legal News Update
- I wonder what Timmy D has been up to this week???
Today's Theme
- Random Links...
New Links (15) YTD (90)
- ISOCD-Win: ISOCD-Win is a C#/.NET Windows replacement for the native Amiga ISOCD application written by Carl Sassenrath and other developers at Commodore. It creates bootable ISO image files which are compatible with the Amiga CD32 and CDTV. It was written to avoid the need to run the original ISOCD application either on a real or emulated Amiga, thus greatly simplifying and speeding up the process for the creators of new CDs for Amiga computers and consoles.
- Amiga Memory: A Computer That Shaped Us: {Translation: German} Did you know that Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung (EAV) wanted to control their light shows with an Amiga? Yes, you read that right! "We tested it technically and it worked," I still say with a smile when we talk about the old days. Stories like that show how revolutionary the Amiga was. In this article, I'll take you on a journey through personal memories, quirky details and special moments that make the Amiga an unforgettable classic. And my favorite computer to this day.
- AmigaCF: A CompactFlash adapter with activity clicking noises for your Amiga 600 and 1200. {...} While a CF adapter usually involves using a short IDE cable to fit the adapter properly, the AmigaCF adapter instead mounts firmly onto the IDE connector, and you will be rid of adapters and CompactFlash cards 'flapping around in the breeze' inside your Amiga.
- Amiga’s AGA delay: impact on the evolution of Amiga custom chips: The Amiga platform, experienced a significant delay in the release of the Advanced Graphics Architecture (AGA), also referred to as the AA (Advanced Amiga) project. This delay had a profound impact on the evolution of Amiga’s custom chips and the platform’s competitive position in the rapidly evolving computer industry.
- NanoMig: NanoMig is a port of the Minimig Commodore Amiga FPGA implementation to the Tang Nano 20K, Tang Primer 25K and Tang Mega 138K Pro FPGA development boards. This is based on the MiSTeryNano project and also relies on a FPGA companion to be connected to the FPGA board for USB support and on-screen-display control. This is still a work in progress. The current version is based on the MiSTer Minimig AGA code and runs many Amiga games and demos.
- Amiga of Rochester: Amiga of Rochester was formed in April of 2020 with the goal of offering United States based repair services. Located in Rochester, NY our goal is to provide an affordable option. Along side Amiga repair, we also offer game console modifications. We offer ODE installation, RGB modifications for almost all game consoles. You can also have us recap your console for longevity and peace of mind.
- poly-play: {German based computer store. Parts for dozens of retro systems. Direct link to the Amiga section. NOS chips, cables, cards and more! OUTSTANDING selection!}
- C64 WIKI - Amiga: The Amiga was a series of Commodore computers. They were based on the new (1985) 16/32-bit processors with added custom graphics and audio hardware. Amigas featured advanced video sprites and blitter technology that produced impressive graphics for games. Commodore also produced a line of professional (business) Amigas.
- When Commodore ruled the world: "We made machines for the masses," said Jack Tramiel, the founder of Commodore, before motioning to the man beside him, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak. "They made machines for the classes." Last night, at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California, Tramiel and Wozniak joined several other veterans of the 80s PC wars in celebrating the 25th anniversary of Tramiel's Commodore 64 - the home machine that many call the best-selling personal computer of all-time.
- name: As a retro computer enthusiast, I have amassed an impressive collection of Commodore computers and various older consoles. My chief hobby platforms are the Commodore 64/128 and the Commodore Amiga line, both of which I used extensively back when these machines were still new. Looking at my Amiga collection, I can safely say that my current 'pride-and-joy'* is a souped up Amiga 600. The 'Mighty A600' features the following: {...}
- Amiga 500 plus battery removal – how to: Got an Amiga 500 plus? Haven’t removed or replaced the motherboard battery yet? Well if you haven’t here’s the bad news; it’s got a good chance of having leaked on your motherboard. And if it has, and isn’t rectified that battery electrolyte could well eat away at the tracks on the PCB eventually rendering it useless. {...} This short tutorial only covers the removal of the battery, either by breaking away or desoldering. It does not cover the replacement of the original battery with a modern ‘coin battery’ and holder which can be purchased from the Amiga Kit store. I personally have never found a need to have a clock battery on my A500+ motherboard, therefore removal is all I cover here.
- Vampire 1200 v2 on my Amiga 1200 : I finally got around to installing my new Vampire 1200 v2 accelerator into my Amiga 1200 and it works great! A Vampire that actually works for me, finally! As regular readers will know, I have had plenty of issues with multiple failed Vampire 500 and 600 installations over the years resulting in a few broken Amiga systems, lost money and a lot of unhappiness. As regular readers will know, I have had plenty of issues with multiple failed Vampire 500 and 600 installations over the years resulting in a few broken Amiga systems, lost money and a lot of unhappiness.
- SetCmd: SetCmd is a utility for the AmigaOS 4.x shell that lets you quickly and easily switch between different versions of installed software.
- Why the Commodore Amiga CD32 Failed: A Missed Opportunity in Gaming: In a recent video, The Matrix YouTube channel took a closer look at the Commodore Amiga CD32, a gaming console that, despite its potential, became an industry cautionary tale. Released in 1993 as the first 32-bit CD-based console, it had the technology to lead but failed spectacularly in execution.
- Amiga 4000 Z3660 CPLD Update Made Easy with New Add-On Board: In the latest episode of Chris Edwards Restoration, Chris demonstrates the use of a Thermal Master P2 Pro to measure temperatures while showcasing how to update the Amiga 4000 Z3660 CPLD directly from the Amiga. A new add-on board, which snaps onto the program jumpers and JTAG header, is introduced, making the programming process significantly easier.
Today's Highlights
- Greetings and salutations everyone! Rabbits - Rabbits - Rabbits! While we're back to 'sit and wait' mode on the legal front, Celso Martinho has done an INCREDIBLE deep dive into the restoration and upgrading and an old A1000. THIS is the kind of site that keeps me motivated and brings me hope.
Interesting... Keep an eye on
Amiga Legal News Update
- Now that the Holidays are finally over can everyone FINALLY get back to work and end this case!
Today's Theme
- Random Links...
New Links (15) YTD (75)
- The first perfect computer: This is a story about restoring and upgrading a Commodore Amiga 1000, the first model of the Amiga {Celso Martinho does and OUTSTANDING job. Lots of pictures}
- amiga-qt6: Qt 6.2.0 for AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition - with optional support for OpenGLES2
- TF330 Info and Installation: The TF330 provides a 68030 CPU, 64MB RAM and an IDE interface for use with the Amiga CD32 console. When a CF card is connected, the system will boot from the CF card, allowing you to play WHDLoad games, without having to use CD games.
- Booting AmigaOS 4.1 on QEMU with BBoot: This page is about running AmigaOne or PegasosII versions of AmigaOS 4.1. For other operating systems see the main page.
- plipbox: plipbox is an Arduino-based device that allows to connect low-end classic Amigas via Ethernet to your local network. It bridges IP traffic received via PLIP on the parallel port of the Amiga to the Ethernet port attached to the Arduino.
- plipbox: The plipbox Arduino HW Adapter to bridge Amiga PLIP to Ethernet
- WinUAE Help: {...} This help will give you information on how to Get Started with WinUAE, a description of all the GUI Settings, information about the Emulation itself, and additional information about real Amigas and the creators of WinUAE in the Background Information section. Also, there is a How-To section with step by step guides for some common tasks. The latest version of this file can be found here: Help file release pages. Alternatively, it is also available online.
- Action Replay II/III: The reverse engineered schematics for the Action Replay II/III for the Amiga. The eventual end goal of this project is to reimplement the PALs in FPGA or with modern components.
- Commodore Amiga Unix Implementation (AMIX): Amiga Unix, also known as Amix, was the official Commodore port of Unix to the Commodore Amiga. Amix only ever achieved a minor share of the market and lacked a cost advantage or killer app to see it to success. Our page is dedicated to the information that comes to light over time of this Unix workstation.
- Commodore Amiga development machine on eBay: A seller on eBay in 2020 is attempting to sell a pre-A1000 Commodore Amiga development machine. These machines are rare and were manufactured by the original Amiga Inc. We take a look at the details of this machine and the item that is claimed for sale.
- Commodore Amiga Multimedia Computer: Back in a time when the "norm" was playing with interrupt jumpers and admiring grey scale images, the Commodore AMIGA was revolutionizing the world with full multimedia capabilities; Before multimedia was even a word. This notebook collates some of the many awesome artefacts lying around the internet.
- Scorpion Engine: Modern game development of the Amiga in 2023: Scorpion Engine, a modern game creation kit tailored specifically for the Amiga, bridges the gap between the past and the future. This cutting-edge toolset empowers developers to unleash their creativity and embark on a new era of Amiga game development. By providing a user-friendly interface and a range of powerful features, Scorpion Engine unlocks new possibilities for creating captivating games that pay homage to the golden age of gaming.
- Welcome to PC World 1985—Jack Attack with the Atari ST {Part 1}: The PC World conference in 1985 was a stunning milestone in the age of retro computing. 8-bit microcomputers had established the market for home computers and now the 16-but multitasking powerhouses started to knock on the door. Watch Jack Tramiel talk up the Atart ST, Amiga developers demonstrate true multitasking and basic programming.
- Welcome to PCWorld 1985 (part 2): The PC World conference in 1985 was a stunning milestone in the age of retro computing, also known as the vintage computer age. 8-bit microcomputers had established the market for home computers and now the 16-but multitasking powerhouses started to knock on the door. Watch Jack Tramiel talk up the Atart ST, Amiga developers demonstrate true multitasking and basic programming. We see signs of MetaComCo, a light that shone so bright, so quickly.
- Boozedrome - Winter Event 2025: Hell has finally frozen over and resulted in the first winter edition of Boozedrome! Billed as the "This is strictly online-only, and will be on our YouTube channel. We're keeping it chill with the rules too, which have been relaxed considerably!
Today's Highlights
- Greetings and salutations everyone! Sad news. Prolific game critic Jonathan Nash of Amiga Power, Your Sinclair and PCGamer fame has passed. His contributions to the various computer systems and the industry will not be soon forgotten.
- The creator of Amiga Boing Blog has announced the site is scheduled to shutdown at the end of 2025 unless someone willing to take it over. The Blog is dedicated to "Building The Largest Amiga PD Collection Ever, preserve Classic and even some Modern Games specifically on the Commodore Amiga" and to "bring the Amiga to the masses, by creating an simple, easy to use Click ‘N’ Load Games Collection".
An *INCREDIBLE* resource of Amiga gaming information. If I had my *&*^* together I would LOVE to be this guy. Fingers crossed **SOMEONE** is willing to step up!
Interesting... Keep an eye on
Amiga Legal News Update
- While nothing has changed, for now, Hyperion has officially announced the appointment of their new Director Timothy De Groote. As always amiga-news.de is one of the best sources of comments and insight. {translated German} One comment makes note that Ben has filed an appeal. Here are a few more comments for your viewing pleasure.
I hope for all our sakes that this is just procedural and it doesn't turn into **ANOTHER CLUSTER OF EPIC PROPORTION** For the LOVE OF GOD just let this **CRAP** die already!!
Today's Theme
- Draco, Casablanca, Vlab & Random Links...
New Links (15) YTD (60)
- Draconet International DraCo Resource Center {ARCHIVED 07 Feb 2005}: {Resource for all things DraCo related. Links, HW/SW compatibility, tips ,tricks & FAQs, Cassablanca info, Movieshop info and more}
- Tech Media {ARCHIVED 23 sep 2004}: (Information and sales for DraCo & Casablanca systems and associated software located in Australia)
- DraCo Systems Australia {ARCHIVED 15 May 2001}: {Information and sales for Casablanca & DraCo systems and associated software located in Australia}
- BIGDISK {ARCHIVED 14 Dec 2005}: BIGDISK breaks the 4GB barrier of AmigaDOS. Now you can use 9GB (or larger hard disks) with an Amiga and the DraCo video workstation.
- The DraCo, AmigaOS 3.9 and Picasso96 in 10 steps: DraCos come with AmigaOS 3.1, as default. There is a later official AmigaOS 3.9, and installing it on the DraCo is not straightforward, as it crashes or hangs upon first boot. But luckily there is a workaround.
- The MacroSystem´s DraCo altair : {Wonderful site covering various Amiga topics to include the MacroSystems DraCo,
- Commodore Amiga Vlab Motion PCB Cap Kit: Commodore Amiga Vlab Motion PCB Cap Kit (Commodore Amiga video capture and playback card called Vlab Motion / VLM) 105C 100% Nichicon Capacitors. “Mega Deluxe Cap Kits” Our kits have some of the BEST quality, low ESR, and longest life capacitors included. This kit has all the electrolytic capacitors included for the PCB and this kit was made from the Revision 1.2 PCB but should work for all 1.0, 1.1 and 1.3 revisions made by MacroSystem. All of our Cap Kits / Get Well Kits include a sticker so you can place it on the PCB to help you keep track of the work you did and when it was done. 18 Capacitors included in kit with great instructions.
- Commodore Amiga 1081 Standard & 240V PAL Versions Cap Kit: Commodore Amiga 1081 Standard & 240V PAL Versions Monitor Cap Kit 105C Nichicon “Mega Deluxe Cap Kits” and the Kit includes 58 Capacitors which include 1 Bi-Polar / Non-Polarized High Frequency cap. Our kits have some of the BEST quality, low ESR, and longest life capacitors included. All of our Cap Kits / Get Well Kits include a sticker so you can place it on the monitor to help you keep track of the work you did and when it was done. Great instructions included with every kit. NOTE: Filter cap for this PAL chassis is a 100uf 400v Snap-in Type and 26mm diameter or less and is not included in kit but can be purchased separately on our site.
- VirtualEngine {ARCHIVED 12 Feb 2005}: {German. Homepage for VirtualEngine. Software for the VLabMotion card}
- Are you keeping up with the Commodore? Lyrics: I reveal the full lyrics to the famous commercial by Commodore for the Commodore C64. Everyone knows this advertisement by the chorus, Are you keeping up with the Commodore? Let us re-live the enjoyment of the original commercial and see what makes this adverisement so good. To my ears, the advertisement sounds as fresh today as it did back in the 1980s.
- PiStorm installation and setup guide – Apps, PiDisk, Networking and RTG (A314): {...} In this guide, I’ll do my best to navigate you through the process of getting a fully sorted Raspberry OS and Workbench installation that includes all (hopefully) the standout features of PiStorm including the PiDisk, Networking and RTG.
- *Need Setup HELP** with Classic Amiga 2000 HARD DISK (Bridgeboard)": {EPIC Thread @ Amiga.org discussing the topic. 62 pages}
- HiSoft BASIC 2: HiSoft BASIC 2 is an advanced structured BASIC language development system. It is a MAJOR upgrade to the popular HiSoft Basic PRO with integrated multi-window editor, compiler, and source debugger. WB 1.3, 2.x, and 3.x support with AGA. Amiga BASIC compatible.
- Oregon Research {ARCHIVED xx xxx 97ish}: Home of innovative software for Amiga and Atari Computers. {Archived page - Developers and vendor of the following} Termite TCP, Mail News, FTP,Telnet, On The Ball, DiskMagic2, Twist 2, Zip/Jaz Tools, Cinema 4D, Media Magic, SMD-100 MPEG, MegaloSound, Clarity 16, VideoMaster AGA, Sequencer One+, Devpac 3, HiSoft BASIC 2, HighSpeed Pascal, SurfSquirrel SCSI, Squirrel SCSI & Pro-MIDI
- Files for commodore-amiga-demos-animations-and-videos: {Archive.org's listing of 1024 available demos, animations and videos for download}
Today's Highlights
- Greetings and salutations everyone! Another slow week in AmigaLand but I would like to just say THANK YOU to all the good people who STILL LOVE and SUPPORT the Amiga. We are an AMAZING community with AMAZING people. Amiga Rules!!!
Interesting... Keep an eye on
- New Top 10+: AmigaLove has been added. An excellent source for source for news and information!
- Crowd Funding: With the popularity of the PiStorm a new bounty for a Warp3D.library for PiStorm systems equipped with Pi4 and Pi CM4. "Warp3D" for PiStorm will access to the Videocore VI Chip allowing a higher resolution, faster fps and more stunning looking visuals for 3D Gaming on PiStorm-equipped Amiga systems. Sounds GREAT!
- The Croatian Amiga WARP Association has released their 2025 Amiga WARP Calendar. Print your copy today!
Amiga Legal News Update
- Let's keep this train a mov'n!
Today's Theme
- Random Links...
New Links (15) YTD (45)
- Quake 1.09 for AmigaOS and MorphOS: This is a port of id software's famous first-person shooter Quake 1 for AmigaOS 3.x, AmigaOS 4.x, MorphOS, WarpOS and PowerUp.
- QuakeWorld for AmigaOS and MorphOS: This is a port of id software's Quake World for AmigaOS 3.x, AmigaOS 4.x, MorphOS, WarpOS and PowerUp. QuakeWorld is a multi-player specific version of Quake, optimized for playing over the internet. It allows a server to predict the movement of an object based on its current speed and trajectory, so the server doesn't need to receive continuous data from the client and can deal much better with lags.
- UADE plugin for Audacious music player: - Custom fork of UADE including support for additional formats and platforms not (yet) supported in official UADE releases:
- UADE - Unix Amiga Delitracker Emulator: UADE is a music player for UNIX platforms that plays music formats used on the Amiga computer.
- T H E S C A V I R U S: {SCA has posted the source code of their infamous SCA Amiga Virus. Released on 5 Jul 1987}
- Commodore's official comp.sys.amiga posting regarding the SCA Amiga Virus: {Bill Koester of CATS detailed investigation of the virus.}
- 'Virus' plague taps a system: {The West Australian newspaper article reporting on SCA Amiga and other viruses}
- Amiga G-Copy for PC: It is a PC Windows program that uses the Greasewaezle by Keir Fraser, ADF-Drive by D. Tonn or DrawBridge aka Arduino Amiga Floppy Disk Reader/Writer by Rob Smith to create backup copies from/to HD/USB/SD and of course from/to floppy disk
- ADF-Drive is here: {Translated German} ADF drive is the extension to a USB memory interface which uses the media transfer protocol (MTP), which is usually used by handies. {...} The new firmware provides a drive that can be formatted and can generate files from the floppy disk with drag & drop, but can also write to a floppy disk.
- OpenC64MegaDrivePadAdapter: OpenC64MegaDrivePadAdapter is an Open Hardware adapter that allows the safe connection of a Sega Mega Drive (known as Genesis in the US) controller to a Commodore 64 or Amiga computer.
- Accessing Amiga HDD on a PC via USB ": {Thread @ amibay covering some details of using WinUAE with a real Amiga formatted HDD}
- Amiga SCSI and IDE Devices: Disk Image Files and Direct Access: This document explains how to: Create an HDF disk image of an Amiga disk drive attached to a Windows PC, which can then be used both as a backup and in Amiga Forever. Attach any SCSI or IDE device to a Windows PC and use that directly in Amiga Forever
- How to format and install AmigaOS on a hard disk in UAE {ARCHIVED 04 Jun 2009}: {Step by step instructions w/pictures}
- WavConvert4Amiga: A Windows utility designed to convert WAV files for optimal use with Amiga computers and music trackers. Features an intuitive interface for sample rate conversion, waveform editing, and ProTracker note tuning. Sound Sampler in the style of the Older Amiga Applications, to create Amiga 8svx(iff) samples
- The Sage IV computer system and the Amiga 1000: a legacy of innovation: The Sage IV computer was the ideal development platform used by Commodore engineers for testing and refining early hardware prototypes. It was essentially a development and debugging environment that helped simulate the behavior of the eventual Amiga hardware. As the Lorraine prototype was being developed, it used a combination of early versions of the Motorola 68000 processor and custom chips that would form the backbone of the Amiga architecture.
Today's Highlights
- Greetings and salutations everyone! So it looks like Hyperion might finally be 'dead'? See below for people smarter than me summarizing the news. What does this all mean? Well if I go by the forums it doesn't mean a lot right now, but who knows what's REALLY happening in the background. Fingers crossed!
Interesting... Keep an eye on
Amiga Legal News Update
- A little action on the battle front. amiga-news.de has reported that former Hyperion director Timmothy De Groot has been reappointed again. Here's some insight and a little bit more. As always I don't expect anything but still I'm always interested where this train wreck is heading...
Today's Theme
- Random Links...
New Links (15) YTD (30)
- Commodore founder Jack Tramiel dies at 83: Jack Tramiel, founder of Commodore and an influential figure in the early days of personal computing and video games, passes away Sunday at the age of 83.
- Memory Lane. From The Interface, newsletter of the Fresno Commodore User Group: This is a limited series of articles saluting some of the past members of the Fresno Commodore User Group, people who have made a significant contribution to the club. Our more recent members did not have the pleasure of knowing these men and women, many of whom have passed on. However, they made a lasting impression on the club and the author.
- That's why CRT is unbeatable! CRT vs PIXEL PERFECT!": {Thread @ reddit discussing in depth the advantages of the CRT vs an LCD}
- Portland Commodore Users Group (PDXCUG.org): Commodore Users Group in Portland, Oregon. Our group specializes in Commodore 64, SX-64, Commodore Vic-20, Commodore 128 and other Commodore computers. We meet regularly to discuss ideas, code, brainstorm projects, participate in the scene, and play games.
- Puget Sound Commodore Users Group: Whether your interests are games, productivity suites like GEOS, hardware hacking, or getting together to reminisce about some of the best, most interesting 8-bit computers, come to a meeting and leave knowing you're not alone. We've got a lot of ideas and dreams for these electronic playgrounds that Commodore created.
- TOGA The Other Group of Amigoids WEB Page {ARCHIVED 26 Feb 2024}: TOGA, The Other Group of Amigoids, was formed in 1991 by Lawrence Brown. He had moved to California from another state where he was involved with an Amiga user group called Amigoids. Lawrence is no longer involved with our group. He currently works for Cisco Systems in Menlo Park, CA. While with Cisco and with Cisco's help, he was actively involved in getting computers (specifically Amigas) in to local schools.
- SAUG - Sydney Amiga Users Group: The user group was focused on the Classic Commodore Amiga but also newer developments such as the NG (Next Generation) Amigas – which eventually came to be known as the AmigaOne. A lot has changed since then. The Classic Amiga is now well and truly a “retro” machine. The NG Amigas came and went, and are now mainly a niche product. The user group is now focused on 1980-1990 era retro computers in general, such as Commodore, Apple and Atari machines. This also includes the Amiga of course!
- Czech Amiga News: {Reproduction of the original website - From 1998-2003 this website was a MAJOR player in the tracking of daily Amiga events. REAT source of historical Amiga happenings! To that point if you scroll to 19 Oct 2001 you will see my posting for the launch of AmigaSource.com}
- Sales Analysis of GVP (Great Valley Products) Hardware for Amiga Computers": {Thread @ Amigalove.com discussing the history, product development, sales figures, comments from Gerard Bucas (CEO) and more. AWESOME thread!}
- The Eye Of Infinity: Wicked is tactical arcade game, designed and written by Paul Norris and Rupert Bowater of Binary Vision, released on 28th June 1989 for the Amiga, Atari ST and later, the Commodore 64. It was published by Electric Dreams/Activision. This site documents and analyses the game to preserve its legacy.
- AGuide Viewer: AGuide Viewer is an open source reader for AmigaGuide documents implemented as a browser extension. It works with Firefox and Chromium on all platforms.
- Workbench 3.1 Installation, Tour and Tools Guide": {Thread @ lemonamiga.com covering: Workbench Guides, Config Files, Advanced Hard Drive/Media Setup, Floppy Guides, Display Setup, Advance Setups, Games and Controllers & Misc}
- Amiga Shops that you can Trust this Christmas!: Several online stores specialize in Amiga hardware and software. Here are some of the most popular options for doing an Amigan happy this Christmas {2024}
- Virus Help Team's 30'th anniversary: {...} So from the 1'st of January 1995 Virus Help Team in Denmark took off, and within 6 month we opened Virus Help Team's in Norway, Holland and Canada. Our common aim and goal has always been to help Amiga users with virus problems and support the antivirus programmers. If you are curious and want know how we all got started with our antivirus work for Amiga community.
Today's Highlights
- Greetings and salutations everyone! Second posting of the year but the first one with new links.
Interesting... Keep an eye on
- Little over a month ago AmigaLove.com announced the opening of their new software archive.
"I’ve been immersed in this project that has been years in the making—a project I’m incredibly excited to share with you: a dedicated Software Archive for Amiga content. It launches today on Amigalove.com with over 200 disks imaged and over 300MB of total content so far.
This archive is a labor of love, aimed at preserving Amiga history from the late 1980s and early 1990s. Over time, I’ve collected and digitized hundreds of disks—pieces of digital history that are either unavailable online or nearly forgotten. Many of these artifacts hold cultural and technical significance, providing a unique glimpse into a bygone era of computing."
WOW what a collection and work of LOVE... Amiga Love to be precise!
- And not be outdone on the preservation front they did it again! intric8 posted a thread where let us know of his latest endeavor of preserving historical user group magazines. The first one is three years of the "AmigaUser" Newsletter (Starting with Oct 1988 Vol 3 Number 10) from Everett Washington. (USA). 16 pages of PURE GOLD!!
Now I LOVE computer history and HOLY COW what a HIGHLY interesting and fascinating look at our Amiga from the local user perspective. I was going to try and summarize this issue but I know I couldn't do it justice. So just take my word and read it!
- Amigaworld.net is again back from the dead! The old server finally bit the dust and a new one is up and running. Glad its not gone forever!
- New event: The 2025 LA Maker Faire is being held on 12 Apr at Exposition Park in Los Angeles California. Over 65+ Makers & Exhibitors will be in attendance with our own Robert Bernardo, of the Fresno Commodore User Group and the Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network will be there supporting Classic Los Angeles Computers! (CLAC!)
Amiga Legal News Update
- Seriously guys.... It's been three day since my last posting and you haven't figured it out yet? LOL
Today's Theme
- Random Links...
New Links (15) YTD (15)
- Games Released in 2024 Index": {Thread @ lemonamiga.com} Rather than go through and update the old thread I thought I'd include links to all Amiga games released this year in a new easy-to-use thread (I hope).
- ProTracker 2 (v2.3D) clone: {windows} I have written a portable ProTracker 2 (v2.3D) clone in C using SDL 2
- Fasttracker II clone: {windows} I have written a portable Fasttracker II clone in C using SDL 2.
- 30pin SIMM RAM expansion for the Amiga A500: In preparation of receiving the first Amiga 500 for my retro-computer collection, which sadly didn't come with an A501 RAM expansion, I decided to make my own memory expansion board for it. Keeping with the "using whatever I happen to have in my hardware bin" theme, I decided to use 30pin SIMMs in this. I had to use at least two modules, since each SIMM is 8bit wide and we have a 16bit bus to populate.
- Amiga 500 ATA hard disk interface: This is an ATA hard disk interface board, for the Amiga 500. It's designed to connect on the expansion port on the left side of the amiga, and it's compatible with the ide.device driver included in rkide.lha in the aforementioned archive.
- Summary of 2024 AROS x86: The end of the year is a time for reflection and recapitulation. After years of less activity, we can safely say that this year has brought us many positive developments. From month to month we recorded significant progress, which you had the opportunity to follow on our blog. AROS has moved forward with momentum and does not intend to slow down!
- Pimp my Ami #1 – Fluo: For the past few years, I’ve restored hundreds of retro machines to their original state (sometimes with minor mods) and I am kinda bored with it. Time to try something different.
- The Faery Tale Adventure - Amiga: This repository contains the source code to the original "The Faery Tale Adventure" published by MicroIllusions on the Amiga in 1987. It was written by me (Talin) over the course of seven months.
- Amiga PD disk index: This page contains links to indexes of some Amiga Public Domain (PD) disk series. 17 Bit, Amiga E PD, Amiga Magazin, Amigan, AMOK, AMOS PD, ARUG, Assassins Games, Assassins Utils, AUGE 4000, Bavarian, Cactus, Club Amiga de Montreal, Demo-Utils, Faces of Mars, Franz, Fred Fish, General PD, German, German Games, KickStart, LSD LegalTools, Nordlicht Spiele, NZUG, PD Soft, PD Soft, PDK, Purity, Saar, Scope, SNAG, Taifun, TBAG, Time {and more}
- AMIGAMEGA: Made by sceners, for sceners. Enjoy this collection of Amiga Demos & Games
- DevWare: Public Domain library collected, cataloged and sold by DevWare Inc. DevWare created a public domain disk library composed of three different series. “DevDisk”, “WorkBench” & “FunDisk” series.
- Amiga Software: This archive is a preservation effort dedicated to building a historical archive of Amiga abandonware, software, files and written content distributed on disks from 1985 to 1996. The collection encompasses Disk Magazines - subscription-based curated disks — along with disks from local User Groups, Public Domain collections and individual Shareware and Freeware software titles. AmigaLove.com aims to safeguard these digital treasures for future generations, offering both documentation and downloads of the original files. If you have relevant software you think should be represented here, contact. AmiDock, Amiga Animation, Amiga Arizona (AMAZ!), Amiga Users of Calgary (AMUC), AmigaGames, AmigaWorld Tool Chest, AMnews, Best of Amiga, Bronx Users Group (BUG), Daytona Beach Amiga Computer Enthusiasts (dbace), DevWare, Disk2ADF and ADF2Disk, Doctor AMI, National Capital Amiga User Group (NCAUG), The Commodore 64 Door & Tracy Amiga Group (TAG)
- Preserving Amiga History: The Launch of a New Amiga Software Archive": {Thread @ amigalove.com announcing the launch of their new software archive. WOW what a collection and work of LOVE... Amiga Love to be precise!}
- "AmigaUser" Newsletter (Oct 1988), Now Preserved with 3-Year Timeline": {Thread @ Amigalove.com about the ongoing preservation of various local user group magazines from the beginning of Amiga and its glory years. ABSOULTE GOLD in those pages!}
- MorphOS Hardware Compatibility: On this page, you find a list of hardware that is directly supported by MorphOS 3.x.
Today's Highlights
- Time to stick a fork in 2024... It's done! All I can wish for is a better 2025!!

Wishing everyone a safe and productive New Year from the whole AmigaSource family.
Today's Highlights
- Greetings and salutations everyone! Well one last update before the end of the year then it's off to 2025. While I didn't break last years record of 1112 new links, I did at least make it past the 700 mark. (720 to be exact) Still not to shabby! If anyone thinks this is caused by a lack on links TRUST me that's not the case!! There are NO shortages of site to catalog!
- Now to better prepare for the end of next year like Amiga-news.de did, I am going to start tracking the 'best' website and 'biggest' stories so I can do a recap just like them. Until then you will have to settle for their WONDERFUL recap of their site and Amiga happenings for the past 6 months. Server admin Markus Bonet goes into detail of how they compiled their stats a listing of the top news items. Boy do I LOVE their website!! Oh and here's one more year end review. Epsilon gives us his take on Amiga Games in 2024. Enjoy!
-So with that said Good Bye 2024 and Welcome 2025.
Interesting... Keep an eye on
Amiga Legal News Update
- Looks like everyone is still on holiday...
Today's Theme
- Random Links...
New Links (15) YTD (720)
- Amiga gaming research(?) project: {Thread @ reddit where user danby has played and reviewed 614 Amiga games to see how they still hold up today. A complete list of games and ratings can be found there}
- Company behind Amiga OS 4 seems to be either going or is in fact bankrupt: So, I won’t be wasting too many words on this – partially because I’m not into cheap soap operas, and partially because there’s no way to know what’s going on with this nonsense without dedicating a year’s worth of detailed study into the subject. So it seems that the company Hyperion, which develops and owns the rights to Amiga OS 4 and Amiga OS 3.2 has gone into bankruptcy proceedings.
- AMOS programing for Amiga: {Links to download various AMOS resources. AMOS, Complier, AMOS 3d, Easy AMOS, AMOS Pro, Pro Complier. Also AMIGA AMOSZINE}
- Consumer - Amiga Memory Log Tool: Have you ever needed to know how much memory something is consuming? Maybe a game or a memory hungry app? Perhaps you made your own game, and want to know how much system requirements are needed. This tool is a printed text log of your Amiga memory, either manually operated or fully automatic.
- A Review of the A600GS from AmigaKit: Back in the summer, I put in an order for the then upcoming A600GS from AmigaKit. {...} Thought I’d do a quick write-up about how it has worked for me so far. I hope you’ll find it helpful if you are in the market for one, or of interest if you are just curious about it in general.
- wolfSSL on Amiga: As many of you are probably aware, I am one of the developers of wolfSSL. I specialise in porting to various platforms, everything from 16bit microcontrollers to big iron 64bit server processors. I decided to see if I could get wolfSSL running on a 30+ year old platform, specifically “Jops”, the Amiga 4000 I just finished restoring.
- Australian Commodore & Amiga Review: The Australian Commodore & Amiga Review was a popular magazine dedicated to Commodore and Amiga computers. It was published from 1983 to 1996 and was known for its in-depth articles, reviews, and tutorials on software, hardware, and gaming for these platforms.
- Amiga 5000 System: Block diagram of the proposed #Amiga 5000 system created by Dave Haynie in 1991. This document was generously contributed by Randell Jesup.
- This is Meynaf's Amiga projects page: {Translated French}This is Meynaf's Amiga projects page. If you don't know what an Amiga is, this page doesn't contain anything that might be useful to you. {Port of the game Heroes of Might and Magic 2, New dungeons for Dungeon Master, Port of the game Gauntlet from the ST to the Amiga, Port of the game Joust from the ST version, A few players and other utilities, for good old DT2,Mpega.library optimized for 68030 and more.}
- IFF Master: IFF Master is a tool which lets you inspect IFF files. It's the EA 85 variant which is quite popular on AmigaOS, MorphOS and AROS. It's a partial reimplementation of IFF Master from Kay Drangmeister.
- USB 27C400 EPROM Emulator: This module emulates and is pin compatible with the 27C400 4 Mbit (512Kb x8 or 256Kb x16) EPROM. The 27C400 UV EPROMs have compatible pinout with ROMs used in many computers and electronics from the 1990s. The Commodore Amiga 500/A600/A1200 and Acorn A3020/A4000 all used this ROM pinout. The module can be used as a drop in replacement for the ROMs in compatible systems.
- Boing #9 - Interview with Oliver Roberts: You probably know Oliver Roberts as he's the current author of the iconic Amiga browser, IBrowse. Maybe his name also makes you think about the Warp Datatypes. He kindly answered our questions...
- Ktadd's Software Applications for AmigaOS: {maker of VideoClipper, SimpleSub, ffmpegGUI, ClipDown and more}
- Sam460 - PCIe pioneer: {Translated Czech} Even though the Sam460ex has been with us for almost fifteen years, it is a bit of an inconspicuous computer in the AmigaNG world. You won't find almost any blog or review about it. Maybe just a few videos on YouTube. And yet this computer is exceptional in several ways. So since I have had its latest version, the Sam460LE, since last year, I will introduce it a little.
- Amiga Games in 2024: It is wonderful that in 2024 we have so many interesting brand new games to try out on the Amiga platform. For me I was surprised how many new games we saw released!
About This is from 7 Jan 2002. Not much has changed since then...
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